35. the way you look tonight

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35. the way you look tonight
'And that laugh that wrinkles your nose. It touches my foolish heart.'


Taehyung's arrest was pointless.

how could you arrest someone and take them to the depths of prison when they can't even be found? when they're absolutely gone, disappeared along with everything else that ever comes to New York— including the people.

since it's been labelled as a large and important case (mainly because of it's inclusion of a celebrity) several police officers and even detectives have been appointed to the case— some thrilled with the search, some exhausted with the search, some not sleeping, some wanting to go hone and be with their kids, some who have never listened to Kim Taehyung's voice and then some who sit in their police cars watching other policemen search properties and obtain warrants as they listen to one of Taehyung's classics.

the search goes on for days and spans over multiple areas of New York. other states are informed of the missing person— who they believe, knew of their arrest and has now fled the country. yet, before parting to look for the singer in other countries, they must comb through America like one through wet hair— slow and knotty.

Crema was useless to the search, the police had grown so tired of her remarks and amused suggestions as they realised she was only playing with them. they never called her back but one thing did stay with them: "you can't find someone who doesn't want to be found." she didn't smile or smirk— she simply stated and looked like she was in a movie scene where she had to portray sadness as stated by the script.

then, something turns up in the investigation— a note.

found in Taehyung's apartment, it lists people in his life and an apology letter for what he's about to do. for what he's about to do... the police didn't want to suggest the possibility of Taehyung not being missing but simply, sadly, dead. the note seems to emphasise the theory even more as they start to write over their scribbly notes.

things turn up one after the other. his apartment and other brought house is untouched— no belongings taken, he didn't take a damn thing so what could that mean? then, his vehicle is found and is burnt completely.

a conclusion emerges, one in which doesn't provide justice and doesn't provide solace or joy. Kim Taehyung has been assumed to be dead, there is a possibility of suicide. we have every reason to believe he isn't here as the search has covered up nothing but proof that he is dead. the case is closed as Taehyung's music plays in the background, on the radio, on the screen and all over the world, louder than ever and his film plays in the theatre as Crema sits in the middle of the red, comfortable seats— crying.


the truth comes next...

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