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this story began with a singer and will end with a woman.

a woman who only ever wanted to be loved and when she finally was, it was taken away from her through police investigations and her expected love as a mother worsening. her distance grew with Gaia, all because the distance between her and the one person she truly ever wanted and did love— was gone. but she knew better than anyone— that he could never be gone.

Crema walks through the grey looking streets, black flats hitting against the pavement as she gazes at the sky that showcases heavy clouds. she remembers seeing these exact streets projected on the television screens— protests in the United Kingdom... and now she's here. Gaia squirms in her arms and Crema stays silent, holding her tightly.

walking silently and quietly in a place where no one knows her and no one ever will— Crema enters an underground bar. she joins the multiple people that have started to fill the area, adding to the lovely  and lively atmosphere with her mere, female presence. sitting herself down, she orders herself a cup of tea and waits for the man with the microphone to start singing.

sitting Gaia down on a separate seat, Crema crosses one leg over the other and hears the performance start. multiple men on stage, in addition to the band, cheer and everyone starts to sing— as a whole and not one.

but the main man— the expected man of the show— takes everyone's attention away. black hat, smooth skin, tapping leather shoes and veined hands. Crema smiles because she's used to her own attention never being hers, in the same way her heart and soul belonged to someone else entirely.

and here he stands, across from her but somehow closer than ever. Kim Taehyung smiles his famous smile, square like, shiny and striking. everyone cheers at the sound of his voice and the sight of his face and Crema can't look away because despite things not being as beautiful as they're supposed to be, they are.

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