xᴠɪ | daylight ﹙ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ﹚

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You were quick to grab a satchel and throw all your favorite possessions. A book, a few of clothes, and a couple of drachmas seemed to be enough for the travel. You wrote a short note for your parents and left it on your bedside table and headed straight to your father's office. Tying your cloak as you go, you ran straight to your father's computer. You do not know how to use a computer, but you know enough to summon Hermes.

"My lord, you wanted to see me-Y/N???"

Your heart raced when you saw the mischief god appear in front of you.

"Hey, Hermes. I love you," you said awkwardly.

"Woah, princess. Isn't it a little too early for that?" he said jokingly.

"No. It is not. In fact, we are running out of time. Soon enough, they will notice that I am gone."

His eyes widened in realization. "You-you're. . . you're not serious. . . ."

"I am."

The both of you were silent for a long time, and that gave you time to think how reckless your decisions are. Your insides crumbled as you realized. You just met him for the first time. How come he'd take you with him to what-elope? You don't even know a lot about him. Maybe he is married in Olympus. That idea made you want to slap yourself across the face.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. . . ." you said shamefully.

Hermes chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Of course I wanna take you! I'm just surprised. . . . Are you sure?"

"Yes," you whispered.

"Hold my hand," he said.

You stepped towards him and took his hand. Before you knew it you're on a chariot.

"Y/N, this is Apollo," Hermes introduced.

The charioteer beamed and waved at you.

"You're Apollo-I cannot believe it!" you gasped.

"Holy shit." Apollo turned to Hermes. "You're not kidding when you said she's never been outside before!"

You felt shy about the sun god regarding you, but at the same time you blushed at the idea of Hermes talking about you.

"You said it was Helios who drives the sun chariot," you told Hermes.

"Well, I don't want talking about that guy, it only feeds his gigantic ego even more," Hermes replied.

"Hey!" Apollo protested.

When you look down, you are higher than you anticipated. All you see are patches of clouds, only seeing the world below when a few clouds parted. You lived your life in the underworld, a world with clouds of blue skies. It is thrilling to feel the cold mist touch your face whenever Apollo drive your chariot straight into a cloud.

You cannot help but to laugh. You reached for a puff of cloud, hoping to hold one in your hand, but your hand just went straight through. You are joyful, to say the least, and Hermes did not fail to notice it. He stares at you, beaming at your newfound freedom, and your face shined a glow that has never been that bright before.

Apollo found your excitement amusing as well. After all, he has seen this a thousand of time. The world is not as it used to be. Humans has become irresponsible, there is more pollution than birds in the sky. Soon enough, poor Y/N will take notice of that. At least let her enjoy until she can.

He steered his chariot straight into a cloud, and you laughed loudly as you collided with it. He drive straight to the other, and another, catching every cloud you came across.

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