ɪɪ | you'll miss me when i'm not around ﹙ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ﹚

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You and Nur met at your father’s court, where you would fetch a ride with your parents. You arrived earlier than Nur. That girl probably went ham with getting ready.

When you arrived at the palace, Poseidon and Amphitrite dragged you aside to an empty room.

“Are you sure you wanted to go?” Poseidon asked in a worried tone.

“Why wouldn’t I?” you asked, pretending you’ve forgotten about it.

Amphitrite bored her green eyes at you, knowing that you couldn’t resist that kind of your mother’s gaze. You sighed and forced a smile. “Mother, it’s been thousands of years ago. If you haven’t noticed, I moved on.”

Your parents didn’t look convinced.

“We don’t want you getting hurt,” Poseidon asked hoarsely.

“I’ll be fine. Besides, I’m with Nur. If I’d ever get my heart broken, that idiot didn’t deserve it,” you said confidently, making your mother hug you in delight.

“How about Hermes?” your mother asked.

“What about Hermes?”

“He’s your best friend too right? You left him without a clue,” your mother replied.

“He’s been asking us about you everytime we’re at Olympus,” your father added.

“What did you tell him?” you asked.

“Well, we tell him the same thing everytime. That you didn’t wanna be bothered because that’s the truth,” Amphitrite said.

“How about—how about the other one,” you asked hopefully. “Did he ever find me?”

The two shared worried looks.

“Apollo and I hasn’t been in good terms ever since you left. He’s been ignoring me at the council,” your father said sternly.

You smiled forcefully. “Well, atleast I don’t have to worry about him. That means there’s a possibility he’ll ignore me too.”

Unfortunately, that didn’t convince your parents. They just looked more worried than they were before.

“Y/N, tell me honestly, are you alright?” Amphitrite asked.

“Yes,” you lied. “I promise I can handle it.”

They agreed but they still looked concern.

When the three of you came out, Nur was already there. She attempted to bow at the sight of the king and queen, but they dismissed it. She looked at you with a wide smile in her face.

You ran towards her and gave her a hug. “You look pretty,” you told her.

“You too!” she replied.

You wore a beautiful (F/C) dress and you (straightened/curled) your (H/C) hair. You put just a normal amount of makeup on, not too bold, so you still look glamorous while not attracting attention. The currents of the ocean makes the iridescent flakes on your eyelids shimmer as you stood still.

Nur stared at you with her finger on her chin, as if seeing a problem on your look. “There’s something missing.”

She took out a crown made of pearls and seashells, just like the one she’s wearing, and placed it on top of your head. You smiled at her. “Thanks Nur,” you said.

“Are you girls ready?” you heard Poseidon asked.

“Yeah!” you and Nur said at the same time.

You hopped on your father’s chariot, pulled by your kingdom’s finest horses.

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