xɪɪ | bleugh﹙ᴅɪᴏɴʏsᴜs﹚

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(i dunno what to call this, so that’s the title for now)

Your head felt like it has been through a juicer when you woke up. You were gonna stand up when you felt a pair of arms wrapped on your waist.

You squeeled and jumped up, waking the man.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes wearily. “Wha—”

That’s when you became aware of where you are. You are fully-clothed, thank goodness, but your location is strange. You’re in the forest—literal forest. There is no sound of car engine near, or any source of civilization around. The place you were lying before was what seems like woven grape vines intertwined together to a bed.

Sat on it was an olive-skinned man in deep purple robes with lavish gold embroidery. He has a circlet of vines on his jet-black hair, and he looked at you with annoyance with his dark eyes.

“Who are you?” you said, pointing a broken stick at him.

His lips twitched, like he remembered something that makes him want to smile, and whispered something, but you didn’t catch it.

“What, Dennis?”

He laughed. “No, it’s—” he paused, forcing himself to stop smiling. “It’s Dionysus.”

“Why am I in the woods? Why am I with you? Why are we here?”

“Do you have any idea what happened last night?”

You flushed. “What happened last night?”

“Oh, no! Not like that!” he said, wide-eyed.

“Then what??” you demanded, still threatening him with a stick.

He frowned. “You don’t know?”

“Duh?” You rolled your eyes.

He sighed. He waved his hand and platters of food appeared on the vine bed. He took a plate of waffles and gestured you to sit.

“You better eat. How’re you feeling?”

The smell of the breakfast made your stomach rumble. “Hungry actually.”

“Let’s eat. I’ll tell you what happened.

* * *

You stumbled in the dark, the tears in your eyes made it hard for you to see where you’re going. You can make out tall shadows—trees, you guess—and some bright lights coming from somewhere farther. You just came from—okay, that’s bad. You have no memory of what happened earlier, worse is you have no idea where you are.

You tripped on a branch and fell on your chest. You have no strength to stand back again so you stayed there, sobbing on the ground, your skull throbbing and eyes swollen from crying.

It wasn’t long until the man came around.

“What are you doing there?” he asked, scrunching his nose like a girl crying on the ground is the most disgusting thing he had ever seen.

You laughed and attempted to rise your head. “Sir, I think I’m sick.”

“You’re not sick, you’re drunk,” he said while rolling his eyes.

“Same difference,” you said with a shrug.

“Get yourself fixed and leave, a lot can happen to you here in the woods. Maybe some assholes find you. . . .”

You sat up, your head slightly dangling on the left. “But I can’t leave.”

“Why is that?”

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