xɪᴠ | stalking statue ﹙ʜᴇʀᴍᴇs﹚

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(i. am. biased. i love hermes and apollo so much so you'll get to see a lot of them. sorry if you don't like them >.<)

It wasn't until three years after working on a museum when a statue finally moved.

Growing up, you never really believed in gods or deities. When people ask you about it, they call you an atheist, but to be honest you didn't really care much about it. You're open to any type of idea, and any idea about religion is acceptable and unprovable. You take all of the opinions you can get, and study them.

Despite being called an atheist, one thing fascinates you the most-myths.

You had always been fascinated by history and classic mythology since you were a kid. You have towering shelves of books to prove it. Anyone could just tell you a name, and it's impossible you can't tell them everything about it. Greek, Norse, African, Celtic? Got it. All you need left is a PowerPoint presentation, but even without that you never fail to leave mouths open by how much you know about them.

With all your knowledge about Ancient History, a lot of people thought you'll end up as an author, or a historian, or a college professor. But you didn't like the idea of that. You like to share your knowledge to people who are interested, not to people who feel obliged to. You want the little kids and the elderly couples to see the beauty of ancient times. So you work on a museum instead.

Let's just say you couldn't describe the joy you felt when you got hired into your local ancient Greco-Roman art museum. You swear to the gods your eyes literally turned heart-shaped like an emoji.

You adjusted easily for someone who just started. Your shift is often in closing and your workmates asks you from time to time if you ever felt creeped out by the statues surrounding you. You just laughed and told them they watched too much Night at the Museum.

The tourists absolutely loves you. You can answer the questions all the curious kids have in mind. Why is Zeus the King of Olympus? Got it. Why does the Greek gods have different name in Roman? Ham. You know so much that if the gods are real they'll be threatened by how you knew all their secrets. There is no question that is left unanswered. Except one thing-why does the gods have small dick?

But we're not here to talk about that, are we? (***stick to the end if you DO want to talk about it)

Sooner, management were so impressed with you they promoted you just one month after you came. No one is surprised. You're Miss Y/N the Greek Expert!

But ever since you arrived, you can't shake the feeling of being watched. You'd feel that weird tickling at your neck as if someone's staring at you, but everytime you turn to check, all you see are Greek statues posing, not even having their eyes in your direction.

Being someone who doesn't really believe in that kind of thing, you shrugged it off. But over the years you work there, you're pretty sure Hermes is checking you out.

Why? Because his gaze is always following you around. Sure, you can't make sure of that because statues don't have irises, but his eyes changes shape, as if squinting at you.

Another thing is that he changes positions. You never caught him moving, and it happens when there's a lot of tourists and you're too busy to notice it. Your workmate could just easily moved it around right? But the thing is, you aren't allowed to get too near to any of the artifacts, much less touch it. But, who knows? You never saw it happened so maybe your mind is playing tricks at you.

But then one day you found the statue just outside the break room, posed like he's watching you in your usual table.

You asked your workmate Nur about it, and she said it was the management who asked to put it there. For unknown reasons. Where tourists wouldn't be able to view it.

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