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“You can do this, Y/N!” your friend Nur cheered while you were strapping on your armor.

You sighed. “I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be.” Athena clapped her hand on your shoulder. “Do you know the plan, Y/N?”

“Yeah,” you breathed. “I’ll sneak into the enemy’s camp and sabotage their weapons.”

Athena smirked. “Very well.”

You locked the last strap of your armor. “If I fail?”

Hephaestus came out and gave you your sword. It was bended on the battle yesterday, and the blacksmith god offered to fix it for you. “Don’t think like that,” he said.

“Yeah, Y/N, you can do it, I believe in you.”

“What if I got into trouble?” you asked, looking at Athena.

“If you ever got into trouble while on the enemy’s base, just play along, we’ll get you out as soon as we got the chance,” she said. “But I doubt it. You’re our best warrior. If you ever got into trouble I don’t think you’ll even gonna be needing our help.”

You smiled. “Thanks.”

“Now go! Before the enemy wakes up,” she said, and you immediately put your sword on its sheath strapped around your waist.

“Go Y/N!” Nur said, clapping her hands in encouragement.

You sighed and exited the tent, putting your helmet on as you marched towards the enemy’s camp.

It has been one of the gods’ war once again. Basically, Zeus and Poseidon got into an arguement again. What they were arguing about? No one knows, but what you DO know is that it was stupid. It was one of those siblings fight. Zeus said something stupid. Poseidon said something even more stupid. Zeus said something stupid back, and eventually Poseidon said something too stupid that it offended Zeus and called war. Ares backed up Poseidon, meaning, his arch enemy Athena backed up Zeus. You, your friend Nur—a demigod, Hephaestus (which is kinda questionable because Zeus was never nice to him), Hermes, Apollo, Artemis and her Hunters, Nemesis, Nike, and Hyperion, and a lot of other warriors such as demigods heroes and mortals backed up your father Zeus. Poseidon got Ares and his twin sons Phobos and Deimos—fear and terror, Dionysus, Morpheus, and Iapetus in them. They didn’t get a lot of heroes, but they got the Cyclopes with them. Not to mention the freaking Amazons.

It seemed like a stupid war, Athena and your teammates think so too, but the enemies kept advancing and you have no other choice but to fight back. The only god that made a good decision in this whole thing is Hades, the Lord of the Dead, who chose to not get involved and remained in the Underworld, probably sipping some tea on his throne.

You cursed your dad under your breath for getting you into this.

Well, unlike your comrades that are immortals, you are a demigod, and any wrong stab of a javelin you could die.

You carefully walked to the enemy’s base, the moonlight shining above you.

Okay, Y/N, you got this! you muttered to yourself breathlessly.

You silently sneaked in, and you made it to their base. You sighed in relief and proceeded to explore the camp, hiding in the shadows as you search the enemy’s territory.

And then you found it. Huge cannons lining the borders, pointing directly to your base. You cursed under your breath. Thankfully, Hephaestus told you a couple of things about weapons before you agree to this, and it just so happens that cannons are one of the things he told you about.

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