xxi. when you know, you know ( ᴀᴘᴏʟʟᴏ )

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(requested by LifeNotFoundYet )

“Hi,” Apollo said sheepishly as he took the dais. “Uhm, I know that the groom don’t traditionally give a speech at the reception, but due to our, uh. . . situation, I felt like I had to.” He grinned at the crowd. The guests responded with chuckles and cheers.

He looked directly at you. “First of all, I want to start by saying that, Y/N, I love you so much. There is nothing that I regret. The last thing that I ever want to do on earth is to hold you.” The guest laughs. “Which I know sounds negative!” he said, adressing the reactions he recieved, “but I meant it literally.”

“I knew you were the one since the very beginning. I saw you there, all so beautiful on your white dress, and I knew right there and then. I knew I’d be in trouble, and I knew that I want that trouble.”

He chuckled. “I haven’t told everybody the entire story of how we met because I’m super embarrassed about it. Yeah, we met at the club but that’s not the whole truth. See, here’s the thing—while I was too busy gaping at Y/N, someone else thought she was beautiful too. Like I get it, Y/N is super hot, but that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to be disrespectful!

I was watching him like an eagle then. I was tipsy before but then suddenly I felt completely sober, like all the alcohol has been drained out of my body. My attention was focused on this dude, I’m ready to pounce any moment. Which, to be honest, was really dumb of me. This dude is so much bigger than I was, so jacked too. This guy isn’t just a gym rat, he’s probably a gym hippo! And his expression says that he’s up to no good. He’s lurking around her, eyeing her like she’s a piece of meat. I heard him whisper disgusting things I won’t repeat about Y/N to his friend who was as ripped as him. I knew I’m no match for the two of them. But I was so sure that I need to step up for Y/N if they do something stupid. I know, I know, ‘What about your godly powers?’ It never occured to me, okay! I guess that’s just what happens when you’re in love, you act stupid.”

“You are stupid even when you’re not in love!” Hermes yelled.

“Thank you, my best man. I’m not blaming Y/N for my lack of intelligence! It’s just that when you’re looking through rose-colored glasses, you forget you’re the sun god.

So, the dude inched close to Y/N on the dance floor now. He grabbed her waist and she immediately pulled away. I can see her shaking her head as she tries to leave but he took her wrist. She’s trying to pull but he won’t let go. This jerk even had the audacity to laugh as Y/N’s torment with his jerk buddy. That doesn’t sit right with me, I had enough. I had to step in. I’m not as big as them but I have bigger audacity and ego. I can take them, I’ll show them who’s the boss!

WRONG!!! Doesn’t take them much to beat me into a pulp. Within ten minutes I’m a bloody mess and curled up on their feet. They laughed at me and I can hear Y/N freaking out, shaking me, asking if I’m alright. I was too weak to answer. At that moment I thought of my godhood, I thought I could make those assholes pay for humiliating me. But my top priority is Y/N. I don’t want her to die as a result of my pettiness. All I care about is that she’s safe and they left her alone, even if it meant that I got a black eye, busted lips, and broken nose. Damn, I might’ve lost two of my molars!

So, huh, how did I get the girl, you ask? Well I lost a fight! I’ve got more rizz unconscious than all your boyfriends combined, huh?

Anyway, I woke up on Y/N’s place afterwards. I remember it so vividly, perhaps I was still dazy from when those dudes beat me up. It was dim and the only thing I can distract myself with was the wall clock ticking across from me on the couch. At exactly 02:27 Y/N came out to check on me.

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