Chapter XLVI

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After seeing their mother for the midday meal, the children went back to the nursery

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After seeing their mother for the midday meal, the children went back to the nursery. While the servants unpacked their things, having recently arrived from the North, Edmund raced about the nursery, unleashing the energy he had kept bottled up during the carriage ride from their grandmother's London house. A broken wheel had made the usually short trip last well over three hours.

William managed to slip away from his nurse and found himself right smack in his brother's path, causing the Earl of March to slam into him. The Earl of Rutland began to wail as his head hit the floor hard, causing Edmund to immediately start checking him over, apologizing profusely.

"Oh, Liam, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's okay, Liam, don't cry, you are okay," Edmund assured him, almost in tears himself as he could feel a lump forming on his brother's head. "I'm so sorry, Liam, I swear I'll never hurt you again, I promise."

"I'm sure your brother knows that," Lady Elizabeth Parr, their new governess, told him, unable to scold Edmund for not heeding her warning for him to watch where he was going, not when the scene between the two brothers was so tender.

"Here, Ed, let me try something," Lily offered, going over to William and beginning to tickle him, causing his sobs to turn into giggles.

"How did you know that would work?" Edmund asked in surprise, staring at his sister in awe.

"That's what I used to do to Mary when she wouldn't stop crying," Lily explained, smiling at both of her brothers.

"I think it might be time for the young Earl of Rutland to get some sleep," Lady Parr suggested, as she scooped up William in her arms who waved at his siblings as he was carried to another room.

"Does it always work?" Edmund inquired, turning his head towards Lily.

"Does what always work?" Lily questioned, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Tickling someone when they are upset," he elaborated. Instead of answering his sister smacked the back of his head. "Hey! What was that for!"

"Oh, I thought I'd test it out on you," the dark-haired eight-year-old answered, grinning widely as she held her hands up with her fingers curled.

"Cecily, don't you dare!" The younger brother warned her, taking off running with his sister close on his heels.

Using her longer legs, Lily managed to catch her brother, knocking him down and tickling him mercilessly.


This had been her fourth pregnancy and from its very beginning, it had not been smooth sailing.

She had been on bed rest for two weeks now, and she had entered into confinement for the first of her pregnancies, yet Charlotte never complained, she knew why it had to be this way.

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