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The run-down school's bell rang in a peal, indicating the start of their morning classes. Currently , the 3-E students watched in awe as Koro-sensei started to form multiple duplicates of himself. 

"Now then class? shall we begin?" Multiple Koro-sensei's spoke simultaneously "Midterm time has rolled around, that's why this period will be spent in a high speed study session!" The clones started to swiftly move around in a blur tending the students in a one-on-one fashion, the octopus was practically moving faster than the speed of light . 

The clone standing in front of Kamiko was wearing a white headband. Unlike the other students, her headband didn't have any sort of symbol nor text ; it was just blank "Good morning Ayanokouji-san! how are you this fine morning?" Koro-sensei greeted with his permanent grin 

"Quite well " Kamiko curtly responded 

"Well, you certainly have no problems on your academics .Makes me wonder, why you're in the E-class?" 

What? Are you suspicious? or curious?

Kamiko slowly lifted her head up, directly making eye contact with the octopus's clone "It's a personal problem "

Koro-sensei nodded his head in understandment"I see, then i shall not pry into your problems"

In midst of all the chaos, Kamiko furtively stole a glance at the other clones ; six Japanese, eight Math, three social studies, four science, four English, and one Naruto headband. This certainly did just proved her speculation , despite him being a supernatural creature . The yellow octopus was still able to evolve further in passing time, it wasn't too long ago that he could only handle five clones and now he actually made clones to teach each and every one of the students? That's some development right there 

Suddenly, Koro-sensei's head had smudged to the side "No sneak assassinations now Karma!" Koro-sensei exclaimed "Dodging will disrupt my persistence of vision!" 

Kamiko glanced to her side and sighed, the yellow blob was certainly an ideal teacher anyone would kill to have, if she were to be some normal student being taught by him . She would undoubtedly ace her exams with ease. But sadly, she wasn't just any normal student nor does she wish to pass the midterms exam. It would certainly be a hassle to be in the spotlight after all 


And so the days approaching the midterms exams are starting to get closer and closer. Koro-sensei, too did taught his students everything will all his might . He even went as far as to form more duplicates farther from what he could originally handle. The clones went by breezing swiftly it even began to look sloppy towards the human eye, the students were trying to keep up with how fast-paced the class is ; it was difficult, as to one might say 

Kamiko, shifted her eyes to the side and fiddled around with her pen, the young girl nodded her head from time-to-time pretending to listen to the octopus's explanation about some subject that they're on. 

And finally, the long difficult class had finished . 

Koro-sensei immediately sat down and fanned himself , panting due to the lack of oxygen he inhaled. The students, gathered around and stared at their teacher in confusion as well as pity.

"Why's he teaching us this hard anyway?"

Koro-sensi dryly chuckled "All to get your scores up! if that happens...." Koro-sensei trailed off and stared into space , his once red face had turned into a bright pink color ".....and with no fear of being killed. I'll be rolling in good fortune!"

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