30 │Tied-down

549 35 8

Hi, it's been half a year.


With Ritsu's help, the group navigated throughout the city for Itona's location, and it wasn't long before they found him sitting beside a shattered window from a cell phone shop. 

"Your human face is showing at last, Itona" Sensei smiled at the startled boy who instinctively stood up 

"Big brother..." Itona weakly said with half-lidded eyes. 

It seemed like the boy had already cooled off a bit. His eyes were no longer contaminated by madness, Kamiko noticed 

"Please call me Koro-sensei. After all, I am your teacher" 

"Don't be going nuclear on us now, Itona" Terasaka spoke up, slightly wary of the white-haired boy "You put us through a lot of stuff, but we'll let it slide so just come with us quietly"

"Shut up!" Itona growled lowly, his voice straining with every word  "We battle...and this time I'll win." 

"Of course, we can battle, maybe we two state secrets can find a vacant lot somewhere" Koro-sensei somewhat bantered "Afterwards, we'll all study all the ways to kill me while we enjoy a little barbecue together"

Itona faintly glared at the yellow octopus in front of him, his dried-out tentacles twitching for a fight 

Karma sighed in response "He's a persistent one, that octopus. Once he takes over, he'll go to the depths of hell to teach you "

"Spoken from a true expert indeed" Kamiko whispered lowly, although it seemed like the redhead had heard her, giving her a somewhat half glare 

Ayanokouji suddenly felt chills down her spine, eyes immediately darted towards her side in instinct, hearing a faint blast heading towards her. 

The room they were in was instantly filled up with white smoke, obstructing the view of her surroundings 

"What's this?" Nagisa coughed, shielding his face from the gas

"I can't see!"

"Is this...anti-me powder?" Koro-sensei revelated as he stared at his melting tentacles 

After all the white smoke, appeared the figure they loathe the most 

"Setting itona adrift was all part of the plan.." Shiro's voice rang throughout the room followed by the onslaught barrage of bullets being shot, aimed towards their one and only teacher. 

"I was so distracted by Itona's bloodlust that I didn't notice!" Koro-sensei shrieked while dodging frantically 

"Now then Itona, it's time for your final duty" Shiro stated

In an instant, Itona was captured by a large white net. preventing him from even moving or running away 

"Itona!" Koro-sensei shouted 

"You'll come after him, right? Being his teacher and all." Shiro spoke up with mirth lacing his tone, fully expecting Koro-sensei to follow them. 

"Everyone alright?" Koro-sensei exclaimed through the white smoke

"Yeah! More or less" Kayano responded, albeit hesitantly

The octopus nodded "Then I'll go and rescue Itona!" 

Kamiko felt a harsh gust of wind hitting her face, the previous white smoke covering the area dissipated as he flew, chasing Shiro and Itona with his mach-20 speed. 

"He's using us as pawns, the octopus protected us earlier" Kamiko expressed her slight deploral at the fact. Without anything else to add, she pulled out her phone "Ritsu"

"Ay-ay!" Ritsu instantly appeared, switching her screen into a map "It's unusual for you to ask for me, Ayanokouji-san! I'll do my best to lead you there" 

"You have my thanks" Kamiko responded before going on her way. 

"Hold up now" A certain red-headed male slung an arm around her shoulder, halting her movement. "We're going there too, you can't just leave us out" He mischievously grinned

"Yeah! Let's go" Kayano chimed in, pumping her fist as she attempted to glare 

Kamiko nodded, shrugging Karma's arm off her shoulder "Let's go then" 


It didn't take long for the group to arrive, meeting their other classmates at the estimated place. It seemed like Ritsu had notified the others of what was happening, and that came to them now hiding, while the octopus continued to stand off against the barrage of bullets and what Kamiko assumed was another one of Shiro's anti-sensei weapons. 

"Should we start now?" Nagisa queried, while others nodded in silent agreement. 

Kamiko who was standing on the lower ground glanced at Karma who grinned, suddenly charging in, kicking one of Shiro's underlings off a tree branch. All the while sadistically laughing, that alone alerted the others as the E-Class continued their ambush. 

"W-what the"

"You brats!" 

The strawberry-haired girl then approached Itona, who was still lying down helplessly under the net 

"Wh-why would you-"

"Don't take this the wrong way" Hayami retorted, as she followed the strawberry-haired girl  "We're just ticked off at Shiro. If Koro-sensei hadn't run off, we would've left you behind" 

Itona though, didn't pay her much attention. His gaze solely focused on his previous partner, who merely stared at him with that expressionless face that he was so used to seeing. The white-haired boy's eyes then slowly dazed, letting the unconsciousness take over. 

Without a single word. Kamiko crouched down, untangling the net off the male. 

"Leave Shiro-san, we will be taking Itona-kun." Koro-sensei shouted, now freely being able to move due to the help of his students "You always work out these meticulous plans, but..If you involve these students, those plans will come to nothing"

Shiro stood in silence "...A class consisting of a monster swarmed by tiny flies? How infinitely irritating" He glowered, suddenly shifting his attention to a couple of students "Well, not all of them are tiny flies...but it seems like there is a need for me to redo the fundamentals of my plans"

Shiro stepped back "Keep the boy if you want, he'll only live another two or three days as it is. Play nice together, now" The man clad in white then left, leaving the class alone in the forest. Not sparing a single glance at the boy he left behind. 


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