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Kamiko walked ensuing the path, the long dirt path leading up to the run-down school above the mountains. Far away from where the main building was located ; it was a fairly breezy morning she could say. The soft gale belabored her face, the rustling of the green foliage gleaned through her ears ; it was comforting.

Straight up ahead, her sapphire eyes caught sight of her classmates huddling up together. 

"So now they're bringing in student assassins, huh " Nagisa breathed out, hunching his torso slightly 

"If they're a transfer student..." Isogai hummed, lifting his head up in thought "Maybe they'll be our age and not like bitch-sensei"

"On that note!" Okajima suddenly popped out, pointing his index finger "I was curious, so i asked Mr.Karasuma if he had a photo" Okajima proudly smiled, shoving his hand in his pocket to pull out his phone "Here's what he sent back!"

"Oh it's a girl!"

Of course, he's happy about that

"You made it your wallpaper huh.." Nagisa deadpanned 

That's kinda creepy

"She's cute isn't she! Man, i sure hope we hit it off!" Okajima giddily squealed, hugging his phone in delight by the new student's appearance 

"She doesn't look like a killer ..." Isogai pointed out 

"She doesn't have to look like one in order to be one " Ayanokouji suddenly piped in, walking past the four males. Nagisa's face instantly brightened as he saw the taller female walking by "Ayanokouji-san!" he called out, rushing forward to match her pace. The others who were left behind had also sped up, sauntering over to the classroom 

"I wonder if she's here yet " Sugino mused aloud, sliding the wooden door open 

"What's that?" he halted 

There behind the classroom stood a large black box with a video screen, Ayanokouji simply eyed the huge box briefly before continuing on her tread. The four males, on the other hand eagerly ran over and observed the new installment in astonishment. Suddenly, the screen flickered and flashed before finally divulging their new transfer student 

"Good morning everyone, i'll be joining your class today. My designation is Autonomously Thinking fixed artillery, it's a pleasure to meet you " Her robotic voice resounded through the classroom 



"As i'm sure you know this is your new classmate " Karasuma stated, eyes glancing on the new supposed student 

"It's a pleasure to meet you all"  The AI greeted shortly before disappearing from her screen 

And Thus, the class resumed with a new comrade. 

Ayanokouji, rested her head on the wooden table, eyes directed on the AI box instead of the octopus who's currently explaining in front of the classroom.

It hasn't made any attempts at all

Ayanokouji originally thought of the AI as a killing machine that'll keep on gunning the octopus down wether it'll disrupt the class or not, it shouldn't be called a fixed artillery for nothing should it?

Coincidentally, the screen flashed and multiple green colored text programs zoomed by, various kinds of guns slowly revealed themselves from the AI's sides. The sudden action startling the students immensely, excluding Kamiko who immediately lifted her head up. The girl knew what was coming, but she didn't know when it was about to commence, after a couple minutes of waiting the AI finally started to fire at Koro-sensei, the guns were loaded with countless of anti-BB's, abling it to continue firing away with no rest.

───𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ