11│White dove

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Rain had fallen that day, the small cold droplets of water brings a richness to each hue ; The soily pathway leading up to the run-down school had turned from a dusty brown to a deep mahogony color, the grass becomes glossy, reflecting the small ray of light that's seeping through the dark gray clouds . 

"Right it's time for homeroom everyone " 

But, it seems like the rain didn't only brought a richness to each color of nature, the unexpected rain that day had also transformed the yellow octopus's appearances slightly 

"Koro-sensei , your head is approximately 33 percent bigger than usual. Please explain " Ritsu had immediately questioned their teacher's noticeable change of appearance 

"My head had soaked up all the moisture, thanks to the high humidity " The yellow blob, pulled on his skin and squeezed it, much like a wet cloth that was being squeezed so the water could be removed from the fabric. 

"Now then  Karasuma had told me that a transfer student should be coming today " The octopus continued 

Maehara hummed "It's probably another assassin" 

"I got into trouble the last time i underestimated Ritsu" Koro-sensei chuckled and pointed his tentacle at the AI, that was seated at the back of the class "i won't make the same mistake again" he declared 

"Oh right, Ritsu did you hear anything as a fellow transfer assassin?" Hara questioned turning her torso around so she was facing the AI behind her. 

"Yes, a little!" Ritsu cheerfully nodded "Originally, him and i were to be introduced together, i would handle long range attacks and he would handle close range combat. But, those orders were cancelled due to two reasons " 

Haara hummed in curiousity, urging the AI to explain more 

"One, his adjustments took longer than expected. And two...i lack the capacity to support him. As an assassin i'm overwhelmingly inferior to him " Ritsu divulged, immediately turning the atmosphere into a tense and eery ambience rather than the usual light-hearted homeroom they would usually have. 

Ayanokouji tuned away from the class's conversations. Thinking that he was having to much of a pride to actually say that to an AI, who's definitely showing much more potential than the human that will soon arrive.

 As if one cue, the door slid open, ceasing any ongoing chatter. 

Ayanokouji lifted up her head to see someone entering the classroom ; he was dressed in an entirely white outfit, his entire face covered by the white hood he's wearing. But even with that strange attire he was wearing, Ayanokouji immediately knew who had stepped in the classroom 

"What's with that outfit?"

"Is that the new kid?" 

Some of the students began to whisper around 

The annoyingly familiar figure lifted up his clenched hand, before turning it upside down ; revealing a white dove that magically appeared seemingly out of nowhere .

The class gasped in surprise, clearly not expecting the sudden magic trick 

The man dressed in white laughed at the students exppression's "Sorry, i didn't mean to startle you. I'm not the new kid -- i'm merely his guardian, you all can call me Shiro " Although his face was covered, the class knew that the man was smiling through his words 

───𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘.Where stories live. Discover now