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My motivation has finally been found 


The sunlight that day conjured the most charming mosaics, the bright beams seeping through from each leaves and wisps of clouds, not to mention the comforting and cool breeze passing by momentarily as Kamiko sat down underneath the cozy shade of a tree . --It was the perfect time for a small nap.

If it weren't for a certain yellow octopus's loud shouting 

'A fleeting wish...'

"You already got the basics down cold everyone! At this rate i expect your final scores to shoot right up for this exams! " He gleefully snickered, multiple clones motioning in a speed not meant for the human eye to comprehend. 

"Koro-sensei, do you want us to place top fifty this time as well?" Nagisa questioned, peering over his shoulder to talk with one of his many clones.

"No, i was too focused on your total scores for midterms. I've come to believe that each students should have a goal better suited for him or her" The octopus answered with his trade-mark grin before continuing  "And that's why i came up with a perfect target for our assassination classroom!" 

Instantaneously, the octopus of a teacher ceased all of his movements. Standing completely still at the center of the group of students,"Now then, as Shiro said before ...when i lose a tentacle, i also lose speed " 


Koro-sensei shot one of his tentacles off before motioning once again "One fewer tentacle and there's already a difference"

Kamiko's blue hues, followed around his clones. And true to his words, the shadows he produced indeed moved a lot slower than before . 

"See? I can't even keep up the quality of my clones! And now there's a few child clones mixed in!" 

"So that's how clones get reduced?" Nagisa deadpanned 

"And lose one more.." He then shot off another one of his tentacles "And you get more child cones , with the parent clones fretting about how to make ends meet!" 

"This somehow had taken such a tragic turn" Kanzaki muttered from beside the laxed girl 

"Lose yet another!"


"And now the father clone has vanished, leaving the mother clone to raise the children on her own" Koro-sensei said in a saddened tone followed by a small sniffled of his nose. 


"So it's about a ten percent reduction then " Kamiko estimated in a bored tone 

Koro-sensei's face turned bright red, a circle now suddenly appearing in the center of his face "Correct! So now here's the deal, the students who get the best overall score or the best score in any subject will have the right to destroy one tentacle! "

The students gasped in disbelief during that instant 

"This is the final exam for our assassination classroom, can you get any closer to that one billion yen prize? That, students, is up to you!" he abnormaly snickered 

None of the students in the class could lie, this teacher really knows how to get them motivated for a test they dreaded for.

On the other hand, a certain coral haired girl heaved out a wearied sigh. Not liking on how the supposed upcoming exam turned out . 

───𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘.Where stories live. Discover now