17│Catching bugs(?)

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we're right on the cusp of the end of season one .


I never edited any of the chapters so , just ignore grammar or spelling mistakes


The long and dreadful exams had finally came to an end 

"Well class , your scores for the tests have finally arrived " Koro-sensei placed the paper folders down on his table before opening them slowly one by one 

The class was abnormally quiet, nervousness and anxiousness had enveloped the suffocating classroom, it came as an electrical storm to their brains that quite honestly, feels sort of painful to endure much less seing their teacher slowly opening those folders made it even much more difficult for them to tolerate, but yet none of them decided to speak up.

"Well, here goes. Starting with English ; First in the E-Class and first in the entire grade is ..." The octopus trailed off for the suspense "Nakamura Rio!" 

"Woah!" the class bursted out into gasps of awe 

The said student stood up from her seat and sauntered forward a huge grin evident on her lips "Don't forget about that tentacles now, sir " Nakamura smugly stated with a wink 

"Of course, i won't!" Koro-sensei chuckled before distributing the remaining test papers "Nagisa, you put up a good fight! But, you haven't kicked your habit of making spelling mistakes when it really counts"

Nagisa could only bashfully smile as his eyes skimmed over his answers 

"Still, top marks in a subject means that's one tentacle down " The octopus informed , placing a small white flag that said 'to be destroyed' on one of his tentacles 

"Next up is Japanese!" Koro-sensei excitingly beamed while he slowly took out the test papers like he did before "First in the E-Class is....Kanzaki Yukiko! However, the first in the grade goes to Asano Gakushu of the A class"

"Woah! Asano can really nab those points" Maehara mused aloud 

"Asano is really tough , Nakamura only beat him in English by a single point " Mimura added 

"They're known as the big five , but in reality , it all comes down only to Asano" Isogai heaved out a sigh as he stared at his test scores 

"Let's continue then shall we , in Social studies first in the E-Class goes to Isogai Yuma , and the first for the entire grade is ....Congratulations! You beat out Asano for the top spot!" Koro-sensei's face then turned bright red followed by a darker shade of a red circle at the center of his face , indicating his joy for the male class president

"Yes!" Isogai abruptly bursted up from his seat in celebration 

"We're 2-1!" Fuwa joyously declared 

"Next up is Science ...is it gonna be Okuda?" Sugaya commented with excitement , eyes glancing over to the purple haired behind him .

"First in the E-class is Okuda Manami! , the first in the entire grade was also swept up by Okuda-san!!" 

The entirety of the class cheered exuberantly loud 

"That's 3-1!" 


In summary , the E-Class had won over A-Class.

3-2 over all five different subjects, although Kamiko could say that they won over Asano instead of the entirety of the A-Class students. The sole top scorer that had stood a chance against them E-Class students was only the strawberry blond male after all. Scoring atleast top two for every subjects, Kamiko could understand how he was one of the top students in the nation.

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