23│Beyond Humane

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Any advice on little moments to add with the characters?


A cold night, a lucid moon, tucked away in the large spaces of the grand hotel. 

The top floor was extremely vacant, there was not a single guard nor hotel employer stationed there; it has all been reserved, leaving the mastermind to safely watch as they continued to proceed closer as the time continues to tick by.

The room was spacious, but there were plenty of spaces for them to take cover and hide. Allowing them to freely sneak in as far as possible. Not to mention, Karasuma had almost completely recovered back as well, easing the creeping anxiousness of the students.

At the end of the spacious room, sat the mastermind.

With multiple monitors surrounding the chair that he sat in

With a flick of a finger, the students silently sauntered towards the perpretrator, heedful to the tiniest bit of sounds that could alert the said person.

'The remedy must be in that luggage' Ayanokouji assumed, eyes slowly trailling over to the complicated sets of wires that were taped up on the white luggage 

Karasuma then signed the students to carefully approach closer, probably wanting to subdue the person in question as quickly as possible, even if it 's resorted to shooting an arm or a leg. 

Though, Kamiko hoped it was that easy. 

"Itchy" The mastermind suddenly spoke up 

A striking realization then dawned upon them 

"The very memory makes me itchy" He furiously scratched with a wicked grin "But maybe that's why my senses have grown much keener " 

Numerous detonators was then thrown towards the End-class students 

With a gravelly voice, he spoke "I told you! I came prepared to kill a Mach-20 monster, i have prepared several spare remotes in case one was snatched away at high speed " 

 A voice that was filled with malice directed onto them. It was confusingly familiar for the students 

Karasuma's already furrowed eyebrows knitted down even further, arms raised as the gun was pointed directly at the man "Of the people i couldn't reach, there were three assassins and one other... An insider who vanished with the Ministry of Defense secret-service funds and assassination budget" 

The mastermind then stood up, a large eerie grin plastered on his lips as he stared down at the frightened students 

"What do you think you're doing? Takaoka!" With a bellow of rage, Karasuma shouted at the man who was once his subordinate 

Takaoka laughed "What naughty children you are, coming in from the back door to see your dear teacher? That's not how your good ol'dad raised you"

With eyes warped in impurity he said "Ah, i think i'll have to give you some summertime tutorings, shall we go to the roof then? I've got everything ready to welcome my most beloved students "

"You'll follow me up there right?" Takaoka questioned , peering over his own shoulder "After all, you're all still alive thanks to my benevolence "


───𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘.Where stories live. Discover now