Chapter Eighteen

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Edited 1/7/15

Third person P.o.v

(Warning: Offensive and lewd language will be used in this chapter. You have been warned.)

(Warning 2: Major Feelings Ahead!)


Petra held a frightened look on her face as she watched the two men have a stare down. Levi had a vain that was protruding out of his forehead while Kenny remained calmed and collected while staring at his nephew.

"What a hell of a welcome Levi.” Kenny bit back with as much venom Levi had given him. Levi scowled at his uncle as he waited for a reply.

"I'll ask you again you old piece of shit, what are you doing here and how did you find me."Levi said through clenched teeth, bared down as a threat.

Kenny let out a laugh as he invited himself inside the house, which was clean and spotless. He closed the door behind him and watched Petra make her way to the home phone.

"No need to call the police honey buns, I'm Levi's caretaker and right now I'm about to take care of his ass with my boot.” Kenny exclaimed as he shot Levi a deadly look of pure anger.

Levi was unamused at his uncle as he watched him lean against the wall. "Petra, I can handle this just go get some rest." Levi cooed to his lover. Petra smiled softly and shot Kenny a nasty look before retreating upstairs to the bedroom.

"What do you want?” Levi hissed as he walked over to the sofa and sat down. Kenny complied and followed over to the recliner, sitting directly across from Levi.

"Alright you pathetic fuck, I'm going to get straight to the point here and the point is why did you break up with (F/n)?"Kenny barked at Levi, making Levi sigh and look away.

"It's none of your concern, it was a mutual decision and that's that.” Levi stated while crossing his arms and legs. Kenny let out a heartless laugh as he heard those words come out of Levi's mouth.

"Really, a mutual decision huh? That's not what I heard from (F/n)."Kenny knew where to push Levi's buttons and apparently (F/n) was a sensitive subject.

"Keep it down Kenny, Petra's trying to sleep.” Levi grumbled under his breath as he stared at the old man. Kenny snickered as he heard Petra's name once again. Levi just downgraded partners.

"Oh, so Petra's the one that you cheated on with (F/n)."Kenny said a little bit louder so he could mess with Levi. Kenny was still angry as hell, but he wanted to agitate Levi's temper.

"You know how I am, I didn't like the idea of being tied down and I wanted adrenaline in my life. (F/n) was alright but the feeling of cheating on her and not getting caught made my heart run wild.” Levi admitted as he looked at Kenny with cautionary eyes.

"Maybe, but I bet you miss (F/n), even her tight little crotch that you used to brag about." Kenny said, looking at Levi with a smirk. Levi blushed as he remembered boasting and bragging about how she made him feel.

365 days ~ Levi X Reader fanfic [ Heavy editing]Where stories live. Discover now