Chapter Three

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Edited 1/25/15

The receptionist gave you a sad look as you walked by her. She knew what was going on in your life, seeing the dark circles and your sad expression on your face.

You went down a long narrow hallway where other doors were along it, the sound of screaming couples and emotional people could be heard from outside the doors.

"Almost there."You whispered to yourself, a nauseous feeling took over your body but you shook it off.

You reached the room 308, silence playing on in the background. You checked the time on your watch.

12:15 pm

You were fifteen minutes late, but you didn't care. Hell, you didn't even want to be here right now but you had to.

You knocked lightly on the wooden door.

There was a sudden exchange of words between two people in the background before the door opened revealing your lawyer.

"Ah (F/n), please come in."The lawyer moved out of the way so you could get inside.

Levi was waiting on the sofa, dressed in a suit similar to the one he wore before leaving to go on that "business trip".

He looked as if he hadn't cared about anything here. There was no dark circles under his eyes and not a sigh of sadness on his face.

He looked as if he had actually felt better when he wasn't with you. A solemn expression was on his face when he had seen you walk in.

He studied you for a second, seeing the dark circles that inhabited under your eyes. The awful look on your face from crying and being sad. You just looked like you didn't care about life anymore.

You were forced to sit right beside him, the other chair was meant for the lawyer to sit down.

"(F/n)." Levi acknowledged you with a simple nod. You turned to him, letting him know you heard him.

"Rivaille."You only called him that when you were serious with him. His nickname was Levi and all his friends would call him that, but you weren't his friend anymore so you decided to keep it formal.

Levi's eyes glistened in amusement from you calling him that. He knew you were hurting inside, but he knew you were going to hurt even more when he would tell you the news.

"Alright, let's get started.” The lawyer laid out the divorce papers on the table between the sofa and the lone chair that the lawyer was sitting in.

"First thing is the house. Who is going to keep the house?” The lawyer asked both of you.

You looked over at Levi and he looked over at you.

"She can have the house. I’m living with someone else now.” He told the lawyer while still looking at you.

It was like someone had punched you in the heart for a moment. It didn't hurt a lot but his words stung.

"Alright, next is the cars."

Everything went like that. Levi took the car that he had and gave the other one to you. Everything was divided equally amongst both of you.

"Alright, that's all the items and everything that needs to be distributed. Please sign your names here on the paper please."

He held out two pens for the both of you. Your hands began to shake as you reached out for it. The pen shook in your hands as you sighed your name on the paper.

Levi willingly sighed the divorce papers with no problem or any sign of hesitation.

It was done.

"Is there anything you would like to confess to each other before you two depart and begin a new life without each other?” The lawyer asked both of you.

Levi cleared his throat before turning to you and looking you directly in the eyes, but you cut him off.

"How long have you been cheating on me with her?” Your voice stern as you spoke to him.

He gulped softly before sighing and looking up at you.

"For about three months now.” He answered with honesty.

It felt as if someone was stabbing you with a fork on the heart. It was starting to hurt badly but it was bearable.

"Why?” Was all you said as you looked into his steel blue eyes.

He looked down then back up at you again. Pity showing in his eyes.

"Because (F/n), I got her pregnant."

And that's when it felt like someone took a knife and stabbed it in your heart.

You stood there speechless, tears cascading down your face as you just stood there in shock and horror.

You clasped your hand over your mouth to keep the sobs that were escaping your mouth quieter.

"To be honest (F/n)... Those years that I was married to you, could never compare to those three months with Petra." He spoke softly, looking at you.

And that was when you snapped.

"Here."You tossed him the car keys to your car, while holding onto the house key.

You didn't look at him anymore as you walked toward the door, but was stopped by Levi.

"I'm going to need the ring back."

You looked down at the beautiful ring that laid on your finger. The night that he proposed was beautiful, everything was perfect, and now it was not.

You held out your left so he could take the ring off. The promise you made to him on your wedding night was that you were never going to take this ring off unless he would take it off you.

You kept that promise ever since then.

He slid the wedding band and the engagement ring off of your finger. He slipped both rings in his pocket.

You looked at his left hand and noticed that he had taken off his ring as well.

He grabbed your hand and set the keys in your palm.

You grabbed them and turned around and opened the door and took one last look at him before telling the most emotional word you could tell to a man.

"I love you Rivaille. No matter what you do to me, I forgive you. I hope you have a great life."You smiled weakly to him before closing the door behind you.

No matter how long it would be without him, you would still love him no matter what.

"Let's go home."You whispered to yourself, before opening the front door of the attorney’s office and to your car.

365 days ~ Levi X Reader fanfic [ Heavy editing]Where stories live. Discover now