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I was dropped off later that afternoon by a member of the pack. He's a middle aged man probably in his late thirties.

"Look, we don't have enough wolves to guard you tonight. But we'll make sure we keep an eye out."

I had no response but to say, "okay."

I don't see a big deal. I live in part of the pack's territory anyway. There's always someone patrolling the area. 

"Alpha Alfonso knows so I think you'll be safe until Jake gets back."

"That's okay." I said smiling as I thanked him for the ride. I knew the pack is being stretched thin. I wouldn't make a big deal and act like they owe me my safety. 

Mom was still at work when I walked in the house. Thank god! I was dreading walking in with her home. I know what kind of grilling she's going to do. I swear to god, the woman is getting more and more paranoid each day ever since she found out about Jake and the wolf community.

I walked straight up to my bedroom planning on turning in early this evening when I felt something off.

My door slammed against me so hard and fast I didn't have time to react but bring my arms up to brace the impact. I was thrown in my closet breaking the door when I landed. 

I immediately shifted out of instinct. Snarling as stepped out of the mess with my wolven paws. My glare was murderous. I knew exactly who it was just by his scent alone. I have grown accustomed to his smell since he practically stalked me at school and couldn't leave me alone. 

James....I growl. I don't know exactly what his obsession with me. What I did wrong for him to target me like this. Perhaps, he had marked me as the weakest link of the pack. I'm a half breed and a late bloomer. If he's going to take out his revenge, better to do with the best chance he could get.

My feral growl is a testimony of my growing impatience. 

James glared down at me with a menacing sneer like nothing about me or my new form he found threatening. 

"Grace, wolf look good on you!"

I snarled.

"Are you going to hurt me?" James chided with a laugh.

I barred my teeth growling. I will more than hurt him. I will mutilated him. 

James showed me a slow lazy grin. He lowered himself to a crouch before shifting. Ash coat with yellow highlights at the tip of his furs. He's massive, massive like Jake has been massive. He looked terrifying in his form. 

He snapped his mouth. An invitation and I wasted no time as I lunged for him. 

James came for me at the same time. Teeth snapping as we fought inside my small bedroom big enough for us to fit.

There was a lot of noise, thudding of our bodies slamming on the floor. Our teeth clashing and snapping at each other.

My room was getting destroyed so I decided to take the fight outside. I jumped through the window breaking the glass with James following right behind my tail. 

Blood dripped off my shoulder coating my dark fur with my own blood. But I ignored it, ignoring the pain of ripped flesh from my arm. James had been able to put a few gnash on me when he managed to pin me down on the floor. 

I landed on the street outside wasting no time to run into the woods. It's unfortunate that I'm still getting used to this body. This is only my second time shifting. The first time was brought upon instinct to protect my mate and it happened by accident. I don't think I would have shifted then if I didn't think Jake was in danger. 

Right now, trying to run in this majestic body is like running when you first started learning to ride a bike without training wheels. It was hard to control and each push of my paws were miscalculated still adjusting to my limbs. My mind is used to my human legs, tripping or bending my ankles as I tried to make my escape.

I'm not a fool. I know I'm not strong enough to fight him. I would not take the risk. So I tried to reach for any wolves nearby trying to twine my mind mentality.

I called for help. James is chasing me. They should know exactly who he is. He was once a member of the pack after all.

I ran, my breath fogging the cool wind. Searching for anyone to connect. The pack must have been worn so thin. I know there's a lot of injured wolves but there's hardly anybody patrolling the woods tonight.

I knew I wasn't going to outrun James at this point. But I dare not let it get in my head as I pushed myself not daring to look back behind me. 

Then, there it was. The sudden impact on his body landing on my back. It knocked my breath away and I whined as I skidded on the ground, breaking some twigs and fallen branches. 

It hurts, I have never been hurled to the ground like that but I got up again. Unsteady as it is, I winced at the pain as I whirled around to face him. 

I will not let James kill me. 

He crouched facing me. His mouth open breathing in hard. I must have given him one hell of a chase since he was catching his breaths like a dying hyena.

"You're a fast runner." James growled. 

Been on the track team since middle school but I didn't say it out loud. I only glared at him watching each and every small shift of his body. 

"You might be able to run but you can't hide."

"What do you want from me?" I snarled. 

"Everything!" He said plainly before he struck. 

James was fast as he did so. I barely seen him move. All I saw was a blur of his ash coat coming towards me before I felt a blow hard as cement that knocked me off my paws. I couldn't remember anything else after that. Everything around me spun and made me dizzy. Darkness crowded eating away everything. I passed out. 

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