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My wounds took a few days to heal. Luna Ruth insisted I stayed inside the boundary for my own safety while Jake echoed her concern urging me to stay as well.

Mom was quickly informed about my whereabouts. Alpha Alfonzo had sent a few of his men to guard the area just in case stray lycan try to harm her.

The first thing on my mind was to come over and see her, having to ask Ruth for permission to do so. Ever since the day I shifted and brought back to the camp, I was welcomed as a new member of their pack.

I can thank Jake for that also. Or else, they wouldn't have been welcomed me so easily.

"I need to see my mom." I grunted through my heavy breath. I was unsure what she's going to say. It seemed every decisions made in this community has to have permission from their leaders. I have to get used to that.

Slowly, I rose from the cot they had set up for me. My bones cracking and popping like an old person. It's not exactly comfortable being bed ridden in a small folding bed for days.

Luna Ruth gave it a thought. She looked at me, assessed and my condition and agreed. "You may, but you have to be chaperoned by Matt and Jake. There's no telling what might happen."

I nodded in agreement, asking permission doesn't seem like too difficult as I anticapated.

By mid morning, I was ready to go, forgetting entirely that mom doesn't get home till late in the afternoon and Jake was at school. He doesn't get off until a few hours from now either.

Matt on the other hand is here, he came aboard Lucas' house to say hi once and a while and to see how am I doing.

He poked his head out the widow, his finger tapping on the glass pane. I turned to look at him, and for some reason, he's shirtless again.

Wrinkle etched deep in my nose, crinkling at the sight of him. He's sweaty and his sweat is glistening on his immaculately toned body.

"Are you always shirtless?!" I hissed at him as I lifted the window a few inches higher. Then the sound of people from the across the street grabbed my attention, they sound like they were cheering and it sounded like they were having fun.

The vibrating sound of the dribbling rubber ball hitting the pavement reached my ears, and my eyes took me to a group of dark skinned men, all shirtless, sweat glistening like pearls underwater on the surface of their skin.

"Are you guy's playing basketball?"

Matt flashed me his too familiar grin. "Do you want to get out of that tiny bed for a change?" He jerked his head to a group of people. There were at least six men and three women watching. I don't recognize none of them except for Isaac. He wore nothing but his shorts and his rubber shoes on, the same as everyone.

"Yes!" My answer came out excited. I've been coup up in this room for days.

"Yeah, come join us."

Matt was a little too eager to introduce me to everyone. I came out wearing one of Jake's large t-shirt and a pair of his shorts on. I could still smell his scent clung on to them making me feel safe and at home in his clothes. I didn't have anything to wear so Jake lent me some of his clothing.

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