First kiss

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I laid myself flat into him and rested my head on his shoulder. For a long moment we just laid there on my bed letting our heartbeats put us at ease. As awkward as it is, I've never been so comfortable laying on someone. I stared at him, his profile, that soon turned to meet my gaze. 

We soaked into each other's eyes, his breathing deepening, I could see the bob on his throat when he swallowed all his nervousness and his anxiety. 

We've been closed to each other before, we've been alone together but we've never been this intimately closed, alone in my bedroom in the middle of the night with nothing but darkness accompanying us. 

It was all too tempting, to do something we've never done, to kiss him here, to do the things my mind had been playing over and over on those quiet times when there's nothing in my head except the wild thoughts of Jake. 

My breaths deepened matching his.

"What's on your mind?" I asked. 

"Why don't you try reading my mind?" It was his turn to tease.

My tongue licked my lips instinctively, my mind anticipating what I want to do. I saw Jake watched my lips distracted by what I did. "I've never kissed a boy before." I confessed. 

"I've never kissed a girl before." He admitted the same. 

We were both so innocent. Never been touched, never been kissed. 

Jake has already made up his mind when he leaned and pressed his lips on mine. It was an extended press, I started to pull away when he caught my head. He wasn't going to let me go yet and I for one wanted more than just a mere press on the lips. This is not how I wanted to remember my first kiss, I wanted it to be a magical as those first kisses I read in books. 

Jake slammed his lips on mine again and I pressed my mouth fiercely against his. He shifted and climbed on top of me pinning my back on the mattress. Every part of my skin that made contact with his burned coming alive. My chest raced, gasping at his dominating kiss. I felt the heat from his tongue that forced its way in, and the heat of his body that's spilling into mine. The whole room becoming hot and steamy.  

My pulse awakened, racing, blood rippled rushing on every network of my veins, my brain burst out with seratonin, every thought of him clashing before my eyes, and I trembled at his kiss losing myself in it. 

I felt nothing, only hard pressure from his mouth, the slick trust of his mouth and his hands that's gripping me harder and tighter. I was melting, my core heating like lava, exploding with moisture inside. I wanted to kick my feet, wrap my legs around his waist, pull him in. My thougths are exploding, going insane. I wanted to fuck him. This animal that seemed so tame and lethal at the same time. 

Soon, the rushing blood made its way to my ears, humming, putting pressure on my head. All I could hear is our rasping breaths, the hammering of our hearts together, before he gave a long gasped for air, needing a breath, and broke away. 

Jake let himself fall on me, while I panted still dizzy from his kiss. For the longest time, we both just laid in bed catching our breaths before we resumed making out again. 

Jake woke up after a few hours. It was five in the morning when mom was rustling in the living room getting ready for work. With Jake's sharp hearing, it was easy for him to wake up from the noise.

"I need to go." He murmured, still half asleep. "I need to go home and change."

I groaned on his mouth as he pressed a kiss.

Jake left the same way he came in, through my window. Quiet as a mouse as he slipped outside. Mom came upstairs to check on me before she left. This has been a habit of hers ever since I was a little. Mom checks on me each time she leaves for work and each time she comes home.

I pretended to be asleep when she opened the door quietly. If she would have came a few minutes earlier, she would have found me cuddled up with a boy. I sighed in relief, mom suspected nothing when she closed the door and walked back to the living room.


School is crowded as always, but the courtyard is unusually filled with students this morning. It is as if the student body decided to hang outside and huddled together with their preferred group of friends.

Has the fire alarm went off?

It's too early in the morning to be pulling a prank like this.

I found Jake with Lucas, Lou and Caitlyn. They were by the parking lot in his usual parking spot. Jake looked like he only had time to change his clothes and take shower before he had to go.

"What's happening here?" I asked, getting an air of everyone's anxiety. It's weird seeing the courtyard this crowded.

Jake took a look around. For once, no one is paying attention to them this morning, no one is giving them the stare or the judging eyes.

"Why so many people here?" I continued.

I tried to listen in but the murmurings of everyone made it hard to decipher each voices or tune in to a conversation. The buzzing was too loud in my ears.

"It's James Summers." Jake murmured right away, his finger swept to my elbow trying to tug me as they walked away from the crowd.

"Why what happened?" Intrigue laced my voice but I also couldn't help the worry that came to me. I was hoping James would skip school again today but aparently, he's not that scared of his former pack mates that he had no problem showing up again. 

"He snapped at someone." Said Lucas with an air of distaste and glanced back to the courtyard. I followed his stare, but there's no more evidence of a fight.  

"I heard his voice getting louder during an argument and before I knew it, he has this kid on the ground punching him repeatedly." Said Lou. 

I could imagine the horror of that poor boy. I knew first hand how strong James is. His punch must have felt ten times the impact of a regular human. 

"That's scary."

Jake dropped his hand from my elbow. "Us werewolves can lose our tempers easily. That's why we hardly associate ourselves with regular humans."

"I'm surprised he was able to keep himself in check for the longest time. He hasn't lost him temper like that in a while." Added Lou.

The thought of our confrontation came into my mind and wondered if I had anything to do with him losing his temper. But Jake seemed to have picked up on my worry since he stopped me, his fingers lifting my chin demanding for my eye contact. I had to tilt my chin pretty high since Jake is a lot taller, at 6'2 and me at 5'4, there's a big height difference. 

"Hey, don't worry about him." He said gently pressing an equally gentle smile. "He losses his temper a lot more than you think. He'd been in trouble numerous times before you even transferred to this school."

"Then why haven't they kicked him out yet?"

"Because he's a very good quarterback, he took this school to state championship three times in a row. A football crazy small town like this would let their prized quarterback get away with murder." Intervined Caitlyn.

"But that's now fair, he's a werewolf, he's stronger than everyone else."

Isaac snorted. "No one here knows he is except us."



Writer's note:

It's always so fun writing  first kisses. 

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