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Despite all the events that happened today. I still couldn't divorce my mind from Jake. The thoughts of him were eating me alive. From the time I woke up, all day, and even as I lie here in bed restless and upset too rattled with the sighting of a lycan, he's still the one that occupied my mind.

I want to scream. I just want a moment of peace for once. At least a few minutes without Jake being inside my head.

Hours passed as my nerves began to calm down. The lure of sleep began to captivate me. I decided to peek at the window, there's no telling what I might see and yet still managed the courage to pull the blinds back and take a look.

At first glance, there's was nothing but the film of white fog that hovered low on the ground. The cascading moonlight reflecting down on the fog made it especially bright tonight. It is almost full moon and there's no doubt in my mind there's plenty of supernatural creature lurking tonight.

Just as I was about to retreat from the window, something in the dark shadows between trees caught my attention.

It could have been anything. An animal or something. Fret engulfed me as I thought of the lycan earlier this evening but the animal that came partly into the light was not scary at all.

Its paws and snout hovered in and out of the shadow as it breathes. It remained hidden in the dark but the majestic glow of its eyes was too captivating to ignore.

It was golden with a tint of green. Much like how sheriff Alfonso's eyes glowed earlier when he was angry but with subtle difference.

This one has brighter eyes, he looks like a young wolf.

The wolf lifted its gaze to my window and held my eye contact. There was no visible treat beneath its stare, it was just watching me as though he had made eye contact with me so many times before.

Then for a moment, it broke eye contact, its gaze sweeping around the woods, that's when I realized this wolf was on patrol. It's on a look out of something.

It lifted from its rest and turned around. This animal was not afraid to show me what it was.

A giant werewolf. It's dark fur shone for a brief moment under the moonlight until it disappeared back in the darkness of the forest.

The thought of Jake slipped in my mind.

Was the animal here protecting me?

The weekend dragged on forever and Monday came around like a welcomed delight. At long last, Jake and Lucas showed up at school after being absent the entire week.

It was obvious to me then they were never sick. Jake and Lucas were both covered with scratches and bandages like they've been in a bad brawl and survived to talk about it. 

My gaze swept instantly to Jake. I found him leaned on Lucas' white SUV, he's already staring at me. He looked like he's been standing there all morning waiting for my bus to arrive while Lucas stood casually beside him, having blight conversation with Caitlyn who's looking up at him very much in love. 

Other students walked around them, some outright gawked, others even shook their heads in disgust. But despite all the attention they were getting, Jake's attention were solely focused on me. 

He stalked away from the SUV, no hesitation in his steps, the glare on his face told me he already made up his mind.






The words came beating inside my head like an angry rhythm that quickly managed to make its way to my chest. Jake has the uncanny ability to make my stomach twist with so much butterflies.

"Grace." He breathed as soon as he reached me.

"Jake." My weak smile lifted the corner of my lips.

I was lost at how to respond to him. He's a boy who can't seem to determine what he wanted. I forced myself to retreat just in case he unleashed another one of his heart splitting rejection and to be honest, I'm not sure how am I going to take it.

"I'm sorry." He spoke sincerely. "I shouldn't have gotten so upset."

I was taken by surprise by his sudden apology. I was certain it is going to be the other way around.

"It seemed petty, you know. But to my kind, accepting food from someone is like accepting them to provide for you." He paused. "It's hard to explain but it's equal to accepting their offer of relationship."

"It's been driving me crazy." I told him honestly.

He exhaled a long deep breath. I sensed the tightness in his chest, the agony and the regret. He's been losing his mind the whole time the same way as I have.

"I've been overwhelmed with jealousy. It's driving me nuts!"

My entire body shook. The way his spoken words were so bold, so honest and so forward. He gave me no room to tell him no.

Jake, it's just food. I wanted to say, but it apparently has more meaning to him. In a sense I can see it, it's a man's job to provide food on the table and he doesn't like the idea of someone else providing for me. 

He grasped for my arm, softly and gently as if my arm is something that could break so easily.

"Come see me at lunch." He asked in a voice so tender and soft.

A true smile tugged on my lips. "I'll eat a tray of food you offer me." 

Jake grinned. I can't believe I was put in this drama over chocolate bar and sandwiches. "I'll see you in a couple hours."

By the time I walked over to first period I was flushed with joy and elation. Who knew a simple acknowledgment from Jake could put me in such a good mood?

I took to my regular seat, James leaned beside me. He tried handing me a snicker bar, I refused immediately. "What're you in such a good mood about?"

I gave him no answer. I don't think he needed to know.

In between first period and second period, I moved around in my seat so much. Restless with anxiety that I couldn't wait for the bell to ring. All I could think of was lunch, how excited I am to have to spend time with him without the awkwardness that seemed to have control of us since we met.

Jake was waiting in the hallway outside my classroom. He was already expecting me by the time I walked out.

There  was something so sexy and so charming about the way he leaned so casually on his shoulder pressed on the wall. One foot crossed over the other. I've seen him like that so many times and yet I still admire it each time.

"Jake." I greeted.

"Grace." He smiled at me.

I walked up to him. He didn't say anything, but we already had the understanding. I since realized Jake isn't the talkative kind of guy. He's quiet, he observes before he speaks.

We walked together to the cafeteria, got our food, and made our way to their usual seat. It was Caitlyn who greeted me first with her sweetness.

"Hey Grace."

Then Lou with his innocent smile and Lucas who was covered with scratches just about as bad as Jake's. "Welcome to our small pack, high school division."

I chuckled at what he said while Jake placed his tray in front of me as an offering and pulled a pair of chairs for us to sit.

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