Stomach Butterflies

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I couldn't have been more ecstatic at the prospect of greeting complete strangers. Being friendly is not in my dictionary. Grumbling as I made myself get up from a plastic folding chair we had set up temporarily in the kitchen .

To my surprise, it was the same white Ford Expedition Lucas drove to school. It groaned and grumbled as it made its way closer.

I held my breath as my stomach plunged. I think I'm going to be sick. 

I may have forgotten how to breathe entirely as I waited for the vehicle to arrive. I couldn't see the people inside but I'm sure they can see me losing my color as my nerves got a hold of me. 

This can't be happening. I don't want my weekend to be occupied with anxiety, having not to be so damn awkward over a boy that gives me the worst kind of butterflies.

The Expedition parked on the side of the road. Mom rushed over to greet them. The first person who came out of the vehicle was Lucas. I could not mistake him from anybody else. He's built like a thirty year old body builder. A living Hercules.

Oh wow, you're big for a teenager. I heard my mom chirped. Her voice suspiciously flirty.

Then a guy I've never seen before came out and another, they're both muscled with the same sleek dark hair as Jake and Lucas.

Just when I thought everyone had gotten out of the car, the door from the passenger back seat swung open. Followed by a wild drumming on my chest. Somehow I already knew who it was but my heart still would not stop pumping into overtime. He has that effect on me. Jake stepped out of the vehicle, his voice slipped into my head. 


I heard his voice say my name before he could even turn from my direction.

My legs seemed to have moved on their own. And before even realized what's happening, I was already halfway through the driveway and the yard, making my way to him.

I stalled clueless to what had just happened. How'd my body reacted on its own. It was scary and uncontrollable.  

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, eyes bright and wide. He decided to meet me halfway, walking up to me.

"I heard you in my head." I said a bit freaked out.

I was hoping for some sort of reaction or some kind of explanation. Maybe he can enlighten me with what's happening. Make some sense of this strange phenomena between us but he just had the same vacant and stony expression that I'm getting so used to seeing him. 

"And I moved against my will."

His eyes narrowed and I couldn't help but see how bright they are. The speckles of brown darker, his scent also stronger somehow. I don't know whether because he's so close to me or because it was an effect from his sudden swing of mood. 

His gaze wavered to mom's who's still too occupied with the gorgeous guys who'd just arrived, then to the house. 

His face stiffened as though something just clicked and became clear to him. 

"You haven't got a clue do you?" He asked, his voice an even tone. 

"Haven't got a clue about what?"

The only thing Jake could do was give me a helpless look at the time. His stare and voice turned soft. "I don't even know where to begin."

Questions came running up to my head, too many of them to disentangle. "What do you mean?"

"You shouldn't eat the food he gives you."

His sentiment confused me. Is that was he's upset about?

"Why not?"

"Because, you shouldn't. Especially not in front of me."

Jake began to speak more. Unhinged anger gripped him this morning, but his lashing will have to wait because the moving truck is approaching. 

The movers were in and out within an hour while Lucas, Jake and the other boys I learned the names were Isaac and Matt stayed for a few more hours. They were helping get the boxes where they needed to be and moving heavy furniture around.

Jake kept himself the busiest, staying the furthest away from me the whole time. He spoke a few words when they first arrived but that was it was far as any kind of conversations between us. He even stuffed ear buds in his ears and blasted hard music all in an effort to avoid me. If I wasn't mistaken, he was doing it on purpose. 

I don't get what his deal was? I don't understand why he's so angry about the food James been giving me. 

Mom on the other hand was happy to have Lucas hostage. I learned from Isaac that the sheriff is Lucas' dad. I don't know what's gotten with my mom, but she seems to be fishing out more information from Lucas about his dad.

"Everything all right here, Grace?" I jumped startled at the voice. I was too preoccupied unwrapping the plates from never ending papers and bubble wraps trying to put everything away in the kitchen.

I turned around, my eyes widening, it was Matt, he's a first year at the local college. He'd taken his shirt off, his dark muscled skin glistening from his sweat. A normal girl would have swooned and got all impressed but it somehow had no effect on me. 

Matt was grinning at me. I noticed how cool it was outside, we left some windows and doors open. The breeze was chilly especially with the house located so near to the woods, and yet...he's manufacturing sweat like he is out in a dead summer heat of Florida.

Not just him, Isaac too. He had his shirt off, flawless body glimmering under the kiss of sunlight, equally as sexy as Matt next to him. I don't even want to think about Jake. I haven't seen Jake in a while. The last thing I need is to see him shirtless right now.

"Yes, I got everything under control here." I tried for means of escape. Standing in front of two shirtless men can be a little intimidating.

"Great!" Matt said, grin never leaving his cheeks. He looked around, "we are finishing here soon, I was wondering if you and your mother need anything else from us?"

I hesitated. "You should ask mom. She may have something. I don't know."

Matt walked away to find mom while I made my way to my bedroom. I noticed my mattress leaned on the wall along with parts of disassembled bed frame and headboard, instantly worried about having to put them together myself. 

I turned around on my way back to see if I can employ one of the guys' help when I caught a whip of Jake's familiar scent. His resonating footsteps coming from the hallway on his way to my room. He stopped just as he reached the edge of my door. 

"I can put it together for you, Grace." He said, power tool carried loosely on his hand. His ears free from the blasting noise of his earbuds. 

I blinked once, confused at how he knew.

"How'd you know what's on my mind?" He never did answer me earlier when I asked him if he could read my mind.

Jake kept his soft stare at me, waiting for an answer.

I stared back at him.

"It's best if you don't know."

"Don't know what, Jake?"

It took him a while to give me an answer, not knowing how to deliver what he wanted to say. And when he did, it wasn't the answer I was expecting. 

"Let's just keep things the way it is right now."

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