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"Had you always not known?" Jake asked.

"I always had a feeling. There's always things that made me different from other people. Like my sharper hearing, my sense of smell, and even my intuition."

We kept a casual walk together. The weather today had been clear of the dark clouds and fogs that held the town hostage all weekend.

"But it never crossed my mind or never questioned what I am. I just know mom tends to act weird sometimes. The way she gets scared or just get up and move every couple months. It's like we're constantly on the run and she never tells me why."

Jake's eyes widened at the revelation. "So, you and your mother are on the run?"

I shrugged. I honestly don't know. All I know is she was intent on moving to this specific location. I remember her sitting in front of the computer researching this area for months. "I think there's something in this town that interested her."

Jake nodded, processing all the details I just told him.

"So, your dad, where is your dad right now?"

A sudden melancholy visited me. Moisture crept up stinging my eyes. I batted them away with my lashes before Jake notice my tears but my cracking voice would betray me anyway.  "He's dead, he was murdered when I was young."

Jake susddenly paused, and searched for my hand. Once he found the tips of my fingers, he pulled me to his chest and wrapped me around his arms. "I'm sorry, Grace. I know it happens a lot, wolf children being left orphaned by their parents too young. It doesn't have to happen to you."

I don't think I needed to tell Jake the full detail of what happened to dad. I was too young at the time and I didn't understand. But something told me Jake already knew. 

I let myself get lost into his embrace. For a long time we stood there in silence alone in the forest. Jake kept his arms tight around me only letting go when I'm ready.


We walked deeper into the woods until we came across the rushing water from the mountain. We took our rest by the creek and sat on the large stone where we let hours passed us by.

"So, what is it like to grow up with werewolves?" I asked after a while.

Jake grumbled a laughter, his voice picked up a playful vibrado when he spoke. "You mean to live in a community full of people who can readily turn themselves into giant wolves?"

"Yes, that! It seemed like it would be a lot of fun growing up in a tight knit community like that."

Envy laced in the flow of my voice, and I think Jake picked up on that. 

"Well, you know..." He gave it a thought like he had not really thought deep about his situation. "It's fun I guess. I'm sorrounded with good people who looks out after me. They have a lot of energy and would risk their own lives to protect me." He laid his back flat on the surface of the cold rock, the sheen on his hazel eyes reminiscent. "Not just me or our community, we protect the entire population of this forest from dark creatures who dares disturbs the peace."

"Dark creatures?"

"You know, vampires, lycans, ghouls and such."

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