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I made sure I thanked Jake for his trouble. He didn't have to put my bed together but he did. 

The following Monday was the most dreadful anxiety I ever had. Mainly because of Jake. This weekend didn't exactly panned out as I expected it to be. 

I couldn't imagine how heartless he could be, breaking up with me without giving us a chance to be together first. I can't help but think it was over the food. I'm so dumbfounded, I don't understand his anger over me taking food from someone.

Perhaps, James was right, Jake is too dangerous and he even admitted it himself. Cold as he'd been to me on my first week of school, he became even more callous as he tried to distance himself away completely. 

Jake was nowhere at school today. Lou, the youngest in the group and Caitlyn, Lucas' girlfriend, are the only ones at their usual table. The next day, Jake was nowhere to be found again and so is Lucas. By Wednesday, still no Jake or Lucas in sight. 

I felt confident enough walking over to their table to ask Lou where's Jake's whereabouts.

I still want to know why he needed to stay away from me.

"Hi.." I greeted softly, I tried not to make the shakiness of my voice too obvious, this is my first time ever approaching them and my nerves has been unforgiving.

Lou and Caitlyn were already smiling by the time I made it to their table. I don't know what's with these group of friends, but they have an uncanny ability picking up my scent, knowing exactly when I'm lurking nearby.

"Hey there, Grace!" Greeted Caitlyn as I approached.

"Umm, how'd you know my name?" I asked. Jake and I aren't exactly close, and I've only ever talked to Lucas this weekend when he was helping at my house.

"Aren't you Jake's mat.."

Caitlyn grunted in pain before she could even finish her sentence. Lou kicked her sheen from under the table. Caitlyn shot him a lethal glare, while I gave him a bewildered look.

Lou shook his head to her, eyes full of warning.  

Caitlyn bit her lip apologetically. 

"Hey, Grace." Lou greeted, "Jake is out sick and so is Lucas. There's a nasty flu going around our neighborhood and half of the us are sick."

"Oh no?"

"Yeah." He faked a cough. "I might be getting it too."

That's strange because I haven't noticed other kids at school getting sick. Mom works as a nurse at the local hospital. She hasn't mentioned of flu spreading around.

"Tell them to get better." I managed.

"I'm sure they'd like that."

I didn't waste anymore of their time. It wasn't just them; I was trying to avoid James too. He had been so persistent since Monday about hanging out that I couldn't come up with anymore excuses why I couldn't do it today.

"Grace!" I heard James' voice from across the cafeteria. He's in his usual spot sitting with his friends.

I pretended not to hear him and turned the heel on my way out to the exit.

"Hey, wait up!"

My heel pressed harder on the pavement, walking faster in hopes of losing him by the time he makes it out the door but the dude was too fast.

If there's a medal for persistence. James would have won it.

"Grace!" He panted through his breath. "You are avoiding me?"

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