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What was that all about? I knew there was tension between Lucas and James. The way James talked about Lucas constantly, talking bad behind his back and the malevolent spark behind Lucas' glare every time they crossed each others stare made me think there was something personal between them. 

It wasn't until today that I witnessed first hand why those two hated each other. James has been a supernatural the whole time. Although I still needed to hear the story how it started.

"Are you, okay?" Jake finally slackened his shoulders after James disappeared and turned to me. He gave me his hand which I readily took.

Lucas made his way to us. "He knows to stay away from us." 

I dusted my shirt, still feeling my nerves bouncing beneath my skin. "What's the deal with him?" 

Jake scanned me with his eyes, looking for marks and bruishes. "Did he hurt you?" There's a certain sharpness in his voice, like a hiss. Anger still captivated him. 

I shook my head, "he grabbed my arm tight and I slammed into him a couple of times, but nothing bad. I was just shaken, I guess." 

Jake breathed relieved. "Next time he touch you, I will kill him."

I smiled and realized for the first time I have yet to kiss my mate. I have to admit, the way he came over to my rescue like a super hero was more than arousing. My eyes lingered to his lips, wondering how it feel and taste against mine. 

Jake knew exactly where I was looking and what I was thinking. He returned my smile, keep that thought fresh. He teased inside my head and I couldn't help but turn red. 

"What is he?" I asked finally. 

"He's an outcast." Answered Lucas as we started heading back down to the halls. "His entire family used to belong to our pack. My father, the alpha, kicked them out."

There seemed to be more to the story he's not telling. You don't get kicked out from a peaceful pack just like that without breaking a rule.

"That's why he's angry at me, at all of us."

"Seemed like it would make sense for them to move somewhere else."

"Oh no, not them. His family has their roots here. They've been a member of the pack for generations until recently."

Generations seemed like a long time. "What happened?"

Lucas expelled a deep sigh while Jake nudged me. His warning not to push the question further. "That's why he tried to befriend you, he's probably planning something."

Dread fell into my shoulders. "What could he be planning? And why me? I don't have anything to do with anything. I just moved here."

"Like us, he sensed what you were from the beginning. He was probably trying to use you to get to us."

"Doesn't make sense. James has always warned me to stay away from you guys."

"It makes perfect sense actually." Intervined Jake, "if he convinced you to hate us, that would put you into his side. We're not the only pack in northern California, Grace. His father is probably trying to build a pack together with alliance to the lycans." He shrugged. "Who knows, there's plenty of reasons, especially if you're trying to plot out revenge."

"Sounds deep." I said. 

"Yeah." Lucas agreed. 

We stopped by the halls on the way to the gym. "I can't go back to my class." Said Jake. "I just bolted out after I sensed Grace is in trouble."

"Me too." Agreed Lucas. "I just ran out of class without saying anything."

I was woken up in the evening by a loud thudding of Lucas’ feet. It must’ve been one o clock in the morning. I opened my eyes to see the crack of light coming in from my room. The light to the living room is on. Everyone in the Alfonso’s household is awake.

There were shadows moving around, and soon I heard the muffled conversation. It was Luna Ruth, she was talking to her son. I sensed some fret and agitation in her voice.

More noise came from outside the window alarming me. I saw people outside in their yards. Elizabeth came out of her house still in her pajama, and then Keith. There was a lot of commotion going on that made me curious what the hell is going on? Keith ran up to Elizabeth alarmed, his expression full of questions.

From the corner of the street, there was Matt, he ran out of his home shirtless like always, and burst into his werewolf form leaping into action. He wasted no time disappearing into the darkness.

I gasped at what I saw, almost climbing out the closed window. I’ve seen Jake transformed but I have never seen anyone else does it.

Soon Elizabeth leaned forward, by the time she took the next step, her foot turned into giant paw and the rest of her body followed. She pounced; her red tail whipping against the air as she moved. Keith followed her behind transforming into his werewolf form. They disappeared into the woods following Matt who is a second or two ahead.

I was too excited at the chaos that I ran out of bed and into the living room.

I found that Lucas was no longer home. He must’ve left with the rest of the pack without me noticing it.

“What’s going on?” I rasped.

Luna Ruth’s wide eyes found me, rushing towards me in two quick steps. “What’re you doing awake?”

“I heard what’s happening, it’s pretty loud out there.”

Ruth drew her gaze outside; worry laced her expression. “There was an attack.  Some of the werewolves on patrol got into altercation. One of them came back hurt. Alpha already sent some of the wolves to chase after the perpetrators.

Now, it all made sense. The chaos that was happening outside. My eyes wavered to the door thinking about Lucas, Lou, Caitlyn, Matt, Isaac and most especially Jake. They are all my friends.

I haven’t sensed Jake yet through our connection, but I have a strong feeling that he’s okay.

“Everyone going to be fine. Our pack is strong.” There is a definite assurance in her voice. Ruth was confident believing in her pack’s strength. I admired her strong profile for a second. Is this what it takes to be a luna? To be strong and believe never doubting your family?

I aimed for the door after, picking up my feet when Ruth barred her hand to my chest. “Where are you going?”

I halted. “To join the pack.”

Her soft wrinkles knotted, there’s a certain hardness to her face that told me disobedience would not go unpunished. “You’re not going anywhere. You’re not strong enough.”

Not strong enough? I remembered taking on two lycan at once. But she held my gaze with intensity and dominance that I was forced to back down.

“You’re always the strongest the first time you shift. But you’ll find out the hard way how difficult it is to control your monster especially without training. You’ll hurt yourself and others if you go out there unprepared.”

My shoulders sank but I knew she’s telling the truth. She’s only trying to protect me and not hurt my feelings.

“There’s training being held for our young pack members. You can join them anytime you want.”

Writer's Note:
When you get the temptation to write something sexy but remembered your characters are sixteen and seventeen year old high schoolers. 😔

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