Princess Ursa

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I had worked hard running training drills with the troops for the past two weeks until General Akone came to watch over the them until Iroh and I returned.

Fire Lord Izumi had sent an airship for us, to cut down travel time. We'd be back in the Fire Nation by sundown.

As sunset approached, I made my way to the railings of the airship and watched as the waters were painted with pink and orange, and the shores of Azulon came into view.

Whether I was travelling by sea or sky, watching the sunset over the waters was my favourite part of the day.

I felt familiar hands wrap around my waist and a soft kiss against my cheek, "How are you doing, love?"

I leaned my head back onto his chest and sighed, "I'm okay, we're almost home. It feels like we haven't been back in forever."

He span me around and pulled me close, but stopped right before his lips touched mine and whispered, "that's because someone has been so caught up in her work, that she's not been making any time for her own leisure." He pressed his lips into mine before slightly pulling away and continuing, "tell me, darling, when was the last time you recall sleeping in a proper bed?"

I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips back into his, "if you wanted to go home, I was happy to watch the troops in your place until your return."

He tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear, still holding eye contact with me, "oh, Y/N, don't be silly. I'm always home, as long as I'm with you."

I chuckled slightly before pushing him away jokingly, "come on, I think we're landing now."

As the two of us approached the palace, we were greeted by Ursa, who was grinning ear to ear when she laid her eyes on us.

"Y/N! Iroh! You're back!"

She sprinted over to me and threw her hands around me, my grin mirrored hers as she pulled away, but before I could say a word, Iroh pulled her away from me and gasped, "Ursa! What happened!?"

Her face dropped as she patted her head and face, trying to figure out what he was talking about, "what? What is it?"

He ruffled her hair and chuckled, "I don't remember you being so tall."

She sighed in relief before pushing her brother's hand away and yelling, "Iroh! Don't do that! It's not funny."

He was still laughing as he pulled her in for a hug, "it's good to see you, kid."

She groaned before she gave in and hugged him back.

Ursa had grown up to be a beautiful, capable young princess. Her resemblance to her great-aunt, the once feared Princess Azula, was almost frightening.

She was definitely athletically capable, Iroh trained her to handle multiple weapons and in hand to hand combat.  She wasn't a fire bender, but she was more capable than most fire benders in her country were.

She had long black hair, half of which was pulled up into a smaller ponytail above the rest that flowed freely, her deep red lipstick contrasted beautifully with her amber eyes- and she was easily one of the most stunning girls in the Fire Nation.

I linked my arm into hers before fanning Iroh away, "Ursa and I need to have some girl talk, see you later, Iroh."

Ursa mockingly waved at her brother, giggling as she led me up to her bedroom and collapsed on her bed. I sat at the edge of it before asking, "so, Ursa, what's all this about you going through with that ball thing?"

She sighed, "I dunno, I'm supposed to get married or whatever, it wasn't really my decision- it was the elders, it's not like I actually have to find someone yet, Grandfather was arguing with them about how you don't need to be married to be crowned Fire Lord- that's never been a law."

"So, why do they even care?"

"They want to be sure I'll give them an heir to the throne- I dunno, it's stupid. I won't be Fire Lord for years anyway, the whole thing is ridiculous."

I sighed, "wow, that must be so stressful for you. If you ever want to, you can join your brother and I back in Republic City for a few weeks?"

She scrunched up her nose, "and watch him drool over you, no thanks."

I hit her with a pillow and joked, "shut up, Ursa! Anyway, it's not like you need to stay with us, you could stay with Tenzin on Air Temple Island- I'm pretty sure Avatar Korra is staying with them. She's only a few years younger than you, she had some friends, too."

She paused for a moment before muttering, "I dunno, maybe. I don't know if I'm even allowed to leave."

"Just leave that to your brother and I, we'll sort everything out for you."

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