New Beginnings

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Iroh's POV
I woke up tied to a chair on a pirates ship, in front of me the captain held her cutlass against Y/N's neck and tears were steaming down her face. I struggled to get out of the bindings holding me to the chair, I tried to scream, I tried to bend, I tried to do anything, but all I could do was watch. I was forced to watch as the knife pierced into Y/N's skin, I had to watch as she choked and fell lifeless onto the floor.

Then I woke up, I woke up in a cave, it was filling with water and Y/N was crying, she told me she wasn't ready to die, she held me tight as the water around us consumed us, and I watched her breathe the water in, I watched her body give up and the life drain out of it.

I woke up again, panting, I was on a battle field, there were dying people all around me.


I turned around as I heard my favourite voice call my name. But my heart shattered as I watched a katana pierce right through her body, right in front of me. Her body went limp around the blade and she fell into a pool of her own blood.


I shot up, gasping for breath. But there she was, right beside me, sleeping peacefully. I didn't know how she got there but I was glad that she was with me, I stroked her hair, calming my breathing. She was my weakness, I didn't fear much in this world, but losing her, that would break me in ways that nobody else would understand.

I laid back down beside her, still stroking her hair and pulled her in close to me, I never wanted to let her go again, I never wanted to feel the fear and heartbreak of thinking I'd lose her again.

I drifted back off to sleep with Y/N in my arms, feeling a little less shaken because she was with me, I could feel her breath and smell her skin, she was right there with me, alive and safe.

When I woke up hours later, she was gone. At first I panicked, running to her igloo in case it was just a dream that she was with me, but no. She wasn't there.

I ran to find Katara, but to my surprise and relief, she was with Y/N, teaching her water bending.

Y/N was so engrossed in the lesson that she didn't notice me for a few moments,

"Iroh! Hey! Good morning!"

She beamed at me.

I smiled and waved at her before Katara said,

"Go and find my brother, he'll sort out some food for you and Y/N, I'll send her your way when we finish this lesson."

"Okay! Thanks, Katara!"

After Sokka had found something for us to eat, I waited by Y/N's igloo for her to return.

Since everything was normal and we were safe, I felt that it was time Y/N and I discussed where we stood with each other. She knew that I love her and I knew that she loves me, but that's all that was really said, then last night I woke up to her beside me... I hope that she actually does feel that way about me and it wasn't just said in the heat of the moment.

"Hey, Iroh! Did you sleep well?"

I perked up when I saw Y/N walking towards me.

"Yeah! Yeah I did... did you?"

She covered her face and I noticed a faint blush cover her face as she nodded before taking her bowl of the porridge-like food that Sokka prepared for us.

I cleared my throat and continued,

"Y-yeah, I did. It was nice waking up to you beside me last night... haha"

I awkwardly laughed and scratched my neck as I watched her face go Fire Nation red.

"Oh- ha, yeah... I hope you didn't mind. It's just we've slept in the same room for so long now I just felt- I just, it didn't feel-"

I interrupted her stumbling upon her words,

"It was nice."

She smiled at me before starting to eat her food, we sat eating in silence for a while before I decided to finally get it off my chest,

"Did... did you mean what you said? Back in the cave?"

"What do you mean?"

"When you told me that you lov-"

"Oh! Ha! That... yeah..."

"So you did mean it?"

"Did you want me to mean it?"

I felt heat rise to my face,

"Oh... yeah. Yeah, I did"

She sighed outwards,

"Yeah, yeah I meant it. Did you mean what you said?"

"Every word."

She bashfully smiled at me, I took a deep breath in, grabbing her free hand,

"So, would you like to... you know, be my girlfriend?"

"I'd like that."

Yes! I can't believe it! I did it! I did it! I literally did it! She was mine! She was my girlfriend! Wow! I never would've thought I'd ever be able to say that!

I felt like the luckiest man alive! I was now officially the boyfriend of the girl of my dreams, we were travelling the world together, and she was just so... so perfect.

We simultaneously stood up, and I was still holding her hand, I scratched my neck,

"Well, I have things I need to deal with quickly, so..."

I softly kissed her forehead before letting go of her hand and going to find Sokka, I needed to send a message to my grandfather.

Dearest Grandfather,

I am currently in the South Pole with Y/N, we have been through many adventures on the journey.

Katara and Sokka have offered us hospitality whilst they prepare a new boat for us.

We were kidnapped by pirates searching for Aang, they destroyed my boat and so after we escaped, we wound up on an island in the southern Earth Kingdom where we faced near death and because of the circumstances, also found that we both shared mutual love for each other.

Y/N has saved my life twice in the last few days, she is truly amazing.

I am sorry that you had to deal with the United Forces, I'll write to you again soon when I'm ready to return.

Thank you for all of your advice and for constantly looking out for me, please send my love to my parents, Grandmother and my sister.

With love,


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