The Commander

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The boy tied to Iroh's face lit up, "I know you! You're Lieutenant Y/N!"

I nodded, "that I am. Now, let's get you guys out of here."

I pulled water from the container on the side of my belt and froze over the lock before kicking it, letting the door burst open.

I knelt beside the girl with her hands tied up first and freed her from her restraints before helping the boys.

"Thank you, Lieutenant."

I smiled at her as I begun to untie Iroh who asked me, "what are you doing here? You're meant to be with Bumi."

"I came as soon as I heard what happened. Figured you could use all the help you could get."

As he was finally free of his restraints, he jumped to his feet and grabbed my waist, pressing his lips into mine and muttering, "I'm so glad you're safe."

I stepped back, confused, "what do you mean "safe"? Why wouldn't I be?"

His eyes widened as he grabbed onto my hand and pulled me out to the airfield, "They're sending their aircraft to annihilate Bumi's fleet. We need to stop them!"

We sprinted towards the runway and Iroh shouted back to everyone, "I'm going after those airplanes!"

"I'm coming with you!"

He smirked before grabbing onto my waist, "hang on!"

I wrapped my arms around him as he let go of me and propelled himself with fire shooting out of his fists and feet towards one of the aircraft.

I clung onto the edge of it as we pulled ourselves up and he ran straight at the pilot, sending him plummeting to the ground.

We both squished into one seat as he tried to figure out how to fly it, sending us rocketing forwards.


"Iroh! No! Stop! Let me- agh!"

But after a few moments, he started to get the hang of it, and we chased after the aircraft heading to Bumi's fleet.

As we approached the ocean, I grabbed onto the steering lever and yelled, "Iroh, shoot them down!"

He jumped up as I shakily tried to keep control of the aircraft and sent lighting right at them, taking two of them out of the sky.

As he did, one of the aircraft sent rope flying back at us, tangling the propellers. Iroh grasped my wrist and jumped out of the plane, pulling my arm to his shoulder and yelling, "Grab on!"

Then from above us, the aircraft exploded. Iroh propelled us back towards the next two aircraft and as we approached the first I let go of him and crashed onto it's wing, he did the same on the second, shooting another out of the sky and rolling down the wing to the pilot's seat, kicking the pilot with flames off of the plane.

I rolled down the wing to the pilot and kicked him out of his seat, but he grabbed onto the side of the plane pulling himself back up and punched me.


We both stood over the seat of the moving air craft, throwing kicks and punches back and forth until I heard an explosion.

I turned momentarily to see a fire lit on the tail of Iroh's plane, "Iroh!"

At that, I sent a final kick right at the equalist's jaw, sending him plummeting towards the city and looked up to the plane that attacked him. I tried to steady myself, before pulling water from my belt and sending icicles right towards his propellers.

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