Dark Spirits

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Iroh's POV
I had left the responsibility of breaking the news of Ursa's departure to the Fire Lord with my grandfather; it'd be easier for him to smooth things over with my mother than if I were to try.

Once we arrived in the United Republic, I dropped my sister off at Air Temple Island, before returning to the docks where the troops were training with General Akone.

I saluted him, "on behalf of the United Forces, we thank you for the help you've provided us with."

He saluted me back, "it was an honour to serve you, General Iroh."

General Akone was from the Fire Nation's military, and had watched the troops in my place as a favour.

About two months later, I had sent the troops on a training expedition with Y/N in the mountains near the South Pole and took Ursa back to the palace.

"Don't you normally accompany her on missions?"

I shook my head, "since she was promoted, I've been trying to let her experience leadership on her own as much as I can."

Ursa nodded and sighed, "mother is being a pain, do you think you can bring me back to the city again, soon?"

I leaned on the doorframe, "it's your fault for training with the fire ferrets; she probably would've let you stay if you didn't do that."

She groaned as she flopped backwards onto her bed, "well, Korra is always busy with Tenzin, Asami's back at work and Mako just got a job in the police force- Bolin needed some extra training and what better to use than a moving target!? You know better than anyone that I should be prepared to be attacked by people with all sorts of bending styles, it's a win-win."

I sighed, "anyway, you're safe so I should get going, I need to be at the bottom of the mountain when the troops return."

She ignored me, "it's not like I tried to join the fire ferrets! Not that I could... you know, no bending and all... but that's besides the point! I didn't do anything wrong! I don't wanna be stuck here with the stupid elders whilst you get to travel the world with the army."

"I'll speak to you soon and we'll figure something out, okay?"

When I reached the mountains a few weeks later, Y/N wasn't waiting with the troops at the bottom like she'd been instructed.

"Is that... he's here! The general is here!"

Two soldiers ran over to me from a small group of them who'd been camping at the bottom of the mountain.

"General! We have a letter from Commander Y/N!"

I snatched the letter from their hands and quickly scanned the paper.


I have sent the third squad to wait for you at the bottom of the mountain, the second squad were attacked by some sort of dark monster- though I believe it to be a spirit.

The fourth squad were sent to retrieve the others and depending on when you arrive, should be safe at the bottom of the mountain with everybody else.

Myself and the first squad have formed a rescue team and will return once the second squad have been retrieved.

- Commander Y/N

I turned back to the soldiers, "has everybody else returned?"

They nodded, "we've spread ourselves along the base of the mountain, there are healers in every camp, so no matter which part of the mountain the Commander's squad find their way down from, there will be someone there to help them."

"Where did Commander Y/N set off from?"

I waited at the base closest to where Y/N's squad departed from for a few days; I wasn't as worried as I used to get when she was caught in a crisis- because time and time again, she'd always prove herself the most capable soldier I had ever worked with.

Sure enough, as the sun rose on the fifth day I had been waiting, there she was, carrying one of the soldiers on her back.

Other members of her squad were carrying people on their back, whilst some of them were supporting some of the others in walking down.

Myself and a few of the others from the camp rushed up to help them.

As I reached Y/N, she offered me a tired, but grateful smile, "it's good to see you, General."

I pulled the soldier from her back into my arms, "woah, you're all banged up! What happened up there?"

She shook her head, "I'll explain everything as soon as we get every single one of these soldiers out of here, right now. I did what I could in the circumstances I was put in- HURRY UP, EVERYONE! - but a lot of these guys need healing."

I didn't question her judgement and immediately rushed down the mountain, back to the camp, "soldiers, stop everything you're doing. Pack up the base as fast as you can and evacuate to the ships- that is an order."

I tasked a select group of healers in bringing the wounded back to the ships as I rushed with Y/N to the other camps, she stopped at the first and I ran onto the next as we quickly had everyone evacuate the area.

Once everyone was safe on the ships, Y/N commanded the captains to depart for Republic City immediately.

I sat in our cabin, cleaning up her cuts and grazes so she could heal them whilst she explained everything.

She was certain that it was a dark spirit that attacked the second squad; after rescuing them, which was rather difficult and had resulted in a lot of bad injuries, it had been even more difficult to escape.

"Iroh, we need to speak with Tonraq... or with Avatar Korra. I've heard that people have been going missing in Southern Waters, there were reports of attacks from monsters or spirits. I know that I might be wrong but-"

"No, you're right, even if there's the slightest chance that it was a dark spirit, we should tell Tonraq... I'll get a message to the council to pass on a message to the embassy of the Southern Water Tribe."

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