The Southern Water Tribe: Part 4

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Iroh's POV

I pulled her in close and held her tightly as she weakly whispered,

"General Iroh! You're alive?"

As I inhaled her scent I mumbled back,

"What are you talking about, my love?"

"Your lo- what did you call me?"

I pulled away to see her face, as our eyes met, hers seemed lost and confused.

I missed those eyes. I missed them so much.

I scrunched my eyebrows in before hesitantly asking,

"What do you mean?"

"I- forget it, it's nothing, I must've misheard you."

I pulled her back in for a hug held her even tighter as I felt myself cry and whispered,

"I thought I lost you... I thought that you were never going to wake up..."

She pulled away and narrowed her eyes,

"Wait what? What are you talking about?"

I pulled her hand into mine,

"You've been unconscious for eight days"

She flushed red and looked down at our hands and asked,

"What's going on? Why was I unconscious?"

"On the journey back from Omashu, you jumped overboard during the storm when-"

"Wait, Omashu? I've never been to Omashu... I've never even left the Fire Nation."

I felt my heart drop for a moment before asking,

"Y/N, what are you talking about? We've been all over the world..."

"What? Iroh, are you feeling okay? Perhaps the lack of oxygen is messing with your brain, I'll call a healer to take a look at you."

She stood up and headed for the door, I was speechless- did she really not remember?

I opened my mouth to call after her, but as I did she turned back to me, baffled,

"Umm... Iroh? Where exactly are we?"

I jumped to my feet and made my way over to her.

I need to stay calm, panicking will only worry her.

"Y/N, we need to talk."

"Oh, um, okay."

I led her back over to the bed and we sat on either end and I asked,

"Okay, you need to tell me exactly what you remember."

"About what?"

"Just tell me what you did this week, or something... anything."

"Just normal stuff, every I get up, go to the stream, harvest dragon fruits and bring them home to my parents before making my way to the palace for training and then join you for our private sessions. I go home, eat with my parents and go to sleep. I think we departed for Republic City yesterday after Avatar Aang sent for you."

My heart sunk into my stomach.

"Oh my spirits..."

"What? What's wrong?"

"Y/N, that was over a year ago."

She scrunched her eyebrows and hesitantly asked,

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