The United Republic: Part 1

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Iroh's POV
Y/N shot up and jumped off of the bed to face Katara, her face lit up as she exclaimed,

"Oh my goodness! Master Katara!"

She bowed to Katara, who was clearly confused.

"It's such an honour to meet you. Such an honour."

Katara eyed me, concerned and ever so slightly confused.

"She uh- the last thing she remembers is leaving on the trip to Republic City when we were called to secure the borders."

Katara almost seemed to sigh in relief, and assured me that memory restoration is something she can do easily, but it is a painful process.

I turned to Y/N, who had sat on the side of the bed and was looking rather uncomfortable and told her,

"You don't have anything to worry about, I'll be beside you the entire time."

I sat beside her and held her hand, brushing my thumb against hers.

She darted her eyes away from mine and quickly nodded as Katara pulled a chair into the middle of the room and asked her to sit down.


The door has swung open and Sokka was stood in the doorway, as I made eye contact with him, he continued,

"You need to leave immediately!"

"What do you mean? What's wrong?"

"I've received urgent news from the United Republic of Nations. Republic City is under attack."

I eyed Y/N and then protested,

"I'll leave as soon as her memories are restored."

"Iroh. Katara will look after her, we need to leave now. Your troops are already on their way there, they need their general."

"Okay, and I need my aide."

Y/N mumbled,

"Your what?"

Sokka said,

"Iroh, this isn't a negotiation. You were a perfectly capable general before her, you're just as capable now."

"You don't understand, Sokka, the troops trust Y/N when I'm not in sight. I-"

"Iroh, I'm sorry. I really am, but we have to leave now."

Y/N tugged on my sleeve,

"Iroh, just go. I don't know how much things have changed, but I do remember that you were one of the most talented soldiers I had ever met. The people of Republic City need you."


Before I could protest, she stood up and pulled me by my sleeve out of the door and followed Sokka to the last ship waiting to depart.

As she let go, she turned to face me and saluted me,

"Be safe, General."

I pulled her in for a hug and mumbled into her hair,

"I'll come back, wait for me, okay?"

At first she didn't hug me back, but then I felt her hesitantly wrap her arms around me and nod into my chest.

As I pulled away, I went in to kiss her but quickly realised that she didn't remember our relationship and stepped back, holding her shoulders.

I sighed and gently kissed her forehead before whispering,

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