Cold Night

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Iroh's POV
Y/N stayed by my side until we reached a harbour, I pulled in the boat and yawned,

"I think it'd be best for us to get some shut eye"

Y/N agreed and followed me below deck, but much to my surprise, there was just one bedroom... with just one bed.

I scratched the back of my neck,

"Oh, well... this is... umm awkward, cos you know, there's just one bed and that would be super weird, like so, what do you wanna do, but like- we could just share the bed- but then also that would be weird and uncomfortable, not that I'd be uncomfortable, but that-"

Y/N cut me off by saying:

"Chill, I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable,"

She grabbed a pillow from the bed and laid down on the floor on the opposite side of the room. 

"What are you doing?"

"Umm, going to sleep."

"Y/N don't be ridiculous, if any of us is going to sleep on the floor, it'll be me, you're going to be freezing like that!"

She looked at me, straight faced before bending some water from outside through the open window and bending a block of ice.

"I literally bend ice, just go to sleep."

She turned over on the floor and nuzzled her head into the pillow.

But I was stubborn, I picked up the other pillow from the bed and placed it a few meters from her and laid down on the floor too. She rolled over to face me and sighed,

"What are you doing?"

"If you're going to sleep on the cold, hard ground, so am I."

"You're ridiculous. Can you at least wrap yourself up, for my peace of mind?"

I grabbed the blanket from the bed and smiled, then she turned back over to sleep. I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep at all. I sat up and watched her peacefully resting, being slightly lit by the moon shining through the window.

After an hour or so, Y/N started shivering, a lot. Ha, so much for her bending ice. She grew up in the fire nation, the hot, sunny, fire nation, unlike her water tribe ancestors who grew up in the North Pole.

I shuffled over to her and placed the blanket over her, but she continued to shiver for the next half an hour, so I laid beside her, my body emits more heat than a non fire bender, so maybe I could warm her up a bit, I'd leave after a couple of minutes, just until she stopped shivering. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and laid staring at the ceiling, feeling her slowly begin to warm up, she then rolled over onto me, resting her head on my chest.

Ba dum.

My heart skipped a beat, then it started accelerating, I felt red wash over my face, she was clearly warmed up now, I needn't continue lying with her. But it felt so right, her being this close to me, feeling her breathing against me.

She woke up for a moment and slightly lifted her head, confused.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

Her arm then started to feel around my chest and torso area before sleepily questioning,


"Umm, y-yeah?"

"Oh, okay."

She nuzzled back into my chest and drifted back into her sleep.

Well, if she seemed okay with it then I guess I can stay put, and so stroking her hair, I too, drifted off to sleep.

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