Sick Day

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Iroh's POV
A few days later, we were set back on the ocean in a new boat provided to us by the Southern Water Tribe.

We decided that we were ready to visit the Earth Kingdom and headed towards Ba Sing Se.

I woke up beside Y/N, and sat up smiling, it still felt like a dream that every day I was waking up next to the girl I loved and that she loved me too.

Y/N's face appeared very, very red. I placed my hand against her forehead and she was burning up.


"Hey, how are you feeling, you're burning up."

She groaned and sat up, coughing.

"I'm... fine."

She stood up and tried to make her way out of the room, really slowly.

I jumped up ahead of her and stood in her path,

"Wait. No, you're not fine."

I grasped her arms and led her back to the bed,

"Lay down, I'm gonna get you some water."

She looked at me with pleading eyes,

"But... Iroh! I'm fine!"

Then she started coughing again.

"Y/N, stay there. Please. For me?"

She sighed and laid back down.

I ran to the galley and grabbed her a glass of water and brought it to her,

"You stay here, I'm gonna sort out everything today. Alright? Rest."

She faintly smiled at me before nodding and snuggling back into bed.

I left her to rest and pulled the ship into the next port of call, I grabbed the money that Katara had given us and made my way into the market.

Okay, what was it that Y/N bought last time we were at the market?

I went around the stalls inquiring on food, herbs and spices.

When I returned I emptied the supplies onto the counter top and looked at the food before me.

I picked up an onion, then searched the galley for a knife and a chopping board.

Get it together Iroh, just- dice the onion, Y/N showed you how to do this before.

It took me about ten minutes to dice a single onion. I then took a while pressing the garlic, grating the ginger and chopping the rest of the vegetables. The whole process in preparing the food probably took me about an hour and a half, but I didn't mind.

I placed all the food into a pot and left it to "simmer" which I think took about half an hour last time... I hope.

Whilst I waited, I went back into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, beside her, holding her hand.

I didn't know much about caring for sick people, sure I'd check on my family when they were sick but we had servants to care for them.

Still, I'd do what I can to look after Y/N, I was nervous though, isn't she a water bender? Can't she just glow it up and boom, better?

Probably not... I don't know. I just... I really wanted her to be okay, for her to be happy and healthy, smiling, like usual...

I felt Iroh's hand around mine, his warmth made me feel safe and at home.

I didn't have the strength to open my eyes, so I laid there, resting, with Iroh beside me; I was comforted in the fact that he was with me, eventually drifting back off too sleep.

I woke up again a while later to the smell of hot food.

"Hey Y/N..."

Iroh stood beside the bed, holding two bowls in his hands,

"I thought that maybe some hot food would make you feel a bit better... here."

He placed a bowl on my lap and I looked down at it, then back up at him,

"You... you made this?"

He scratched the back of his neck and awkwardly chuckled,

"Yeah... it's probably not as good as when you made it but it's the only thing I know how to make..."

I felt my cheeks go warm, he really tried to make me food, even though he doesn't know how to cook, wow...

I grabbed the spoon from my bowl and put some of the stew in my mouth; I winced, it was like he had cooked it in the ocean's water... it was so salty.

His face dropped as he sat next to me,

"You don't like it?"

I waved my arms rapidly,

"No, no, no! It's lovely! It was just... too hot! Yeah! I should've blown on it first!"

I then took another spoonful and shoved it into my mouth, smiling at him as I did.

He took a mouthful from his bowl before wincing himself,

"It's terrible..."

He hung his head in defeat, but I smiled and nestled my head on his shoulder,

"Well I loved it, thank you."

I felt him smile too.

"So, Iroh, when are you returning to the United Forces? To the palace? I'm sure there are many people awaiting your return."

He pulled the bowl from my hand and set it on the bed side table with his and rested his head on my stomach, cuddling me.

"Hmm... I don't wanna think about that right now, because right now, I'm happy, being right here... with you."

I stroked his hair and smiled at him,

"You can't avoid real life forever, Iroh..."

"I can try."

"What's gonna happen... you know, with us when we get back to Azulon?"

"What do you mean what's gonna happen?"

"Firstly, I'm not allowed to see you and I'm supposedly engaged- although I do hope that running away sent him the message that I'm not interested. Secondly, I'm quite sure you've mentioned that your family was going to pick someone for you anyway. Thirdly, what if-"

"Hey, don't worry. I've been in love with you for so long, and now you're finally mine, I'm not going to let you go..."


"I promise."

I sighed,

"Okay. But when are we going home?"

Home... Where even is home? I don't think my parents will let me return this time... I can't just waltz into the Fire Nation's Royal Palace, Iroh has done too much for me already...

He pulled himself up from my stomach and crawled further up towards me and kissed my forehead before pulling me into his chest and holding me tight, whispering,

"I am home."

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