The United Republic: Part 3

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My body was shaking as I slowly leaned down to place my fingers on his neck.

He had a pulse.

He was alive.

Thank the spirits.

I tried to begin healing him, but every time I did, an attack came our way.

This isn't going to work.

I looked around for a better way and pulled the water from the ground to gently carry Iroh, his blood swirling around at the surface of the water holding him up.

I brought us inside an abandoned building and begun to heal him, my heart was racing, I knew I could heal him, I had done it before- but this building- it could blow up any second. 

I tried to relax myself as I closed my eyes and focused on him.

Maybe the universe didn't want us to be together.

There's always something.


Or maybe this is the life I chose when I decided to become a soldier.

As I continued healing him, I could heard explosions and screaming from outside, people were crying out for their lives and-


The ceiling started crashing down, I pulled Iroh up as quick as I could, blocking it with ice as we escaped.

As soon as we were out of the way, I pulled Iroh back down and started working faster on healing him.

"Come on, Iroh. Open your eyes."

I felt his wound close up and kept my breathing steady as I focused on the internal damage.

It wasn't as bad as it looked, he only passed out because of blood loss.

Come on.

Wake up.


Iroh's POV
I felt a cooling sensation wash over me as I slowly opened my eyes, the sounds of screaming and explosions were suddenly ringing in my ears.

And then I saw her.

As our eyes met, a smile broke onto her face and she started laughing as she pulled me up into a hug.

I held onto her tightly, inhaling her scent.

She smelt like home.

"Iroh, I-" her voice broke into a cry, "I thought I'd lost you! I- How dare you!"

I rubbed her back before squeezing her tighter in my arms, "Y/N, what are you even doing here? You're supposed to be with Katara!"

She pushed herself away from me, tears still welling in her eyes; her eyebrows were furrowed and she snapped, "if I had stayed with Katara, you'd be dead."

She was right, obviously.

I tried to stand up, but I winced as a sharp pain pierced into my head.

Y/N grasped onto my hands and stopped me from getting up, "No, let me handle this. You're in no condition to be going out there."

I shook my head, "No, Y/N, don't be ridiculous. You aren't returning to the United Forces until Katara has restored your memories."

She gently placed her hand on the side of my face, "It's okay, my love. I remember everything. Just let me do this one, I'll fix you up properly when it's over."

I felt my heart race.

She remembers.

She remembers me.

She remembers us.

I placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in, softly pressing my lips against hers and whispering, "I've missed you so much- more than you could ever know." Before pressing our lips back together, kissing her again and again, muttering, "I love you" between each kiss, because I did. I loved her so much.

Our moment was interrupted by a loud explosion and the building behind us was crumbling, Y/N pulled away from me and stood up to rush to the scene, but I grabbed onto her hand,

"Y/N, wait!"

"What is it?"

I pulled her other hand into mine and gazed into her eyes, the city exploding around us.

"Marry me. Be my wife. I've been losing my mind thinking I'd never see you again, you're everything to me, Y/N, you're my whole world. So-"

I pulled the necklace from my pocket and held it out to her.

"Y/N, will you marry me?"

If only I could describe the way she smiled in that moment, the way she beamed at me- I fell in love with her all over again.

She threw her arms around my neck and crashed her lips into mine, kissing me passionately before I felt her smile against my lips,

"Of course! Yes, yes, I love you! I love you, I-"

She pressed her lips back into mine and I savoured every moment of it, of this happy moment that the universe had finally granted us.

As we pulled away, I asked her to turn around so I could clasp the betrothal necklace around her neck.

She turned to face me, and I admired the deep red velvet adorning her neck, the pale silver pendant in which was carved the fire nation insignia.

She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before whispering, "Be safe" and letting go of my hand, running off into the action.

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