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Iroh's POV
Although I wanted to deny it, Y/N was right, we needed to go home at some point...

However, that was a problem for me to consider in the morning, because right now, I have Y/N in my arms and the world is perfect- she's perfect.

A few days later, we found ourselves on the shores of an island that I couldn't identify on the map, we were both curious and decided to have a look around.

Y/N linked her arm with mine and we walked down the dusty path, through the woodlands together.

She was taken by the beauty of the nature around her, I was personally more taken by her beauty.

After a little while I stopped and told her,

"Y/N, I think we should head back, we don't have a map and we're going to end up lost."

She pouted before pleading,

"Oh, come on, Iroh! Just a little more?"

I sighed,

"Ten more minutes, then we have to turn back."

A grin formed on her face before she grabbed onto my hand and ran ahead,

"Okay, well let's see as much of the rest of the island as we can then!"

Seeing her so happy, seeing her smile, hearing her laugh and watching her eyes fill with light and excitement- it was addictive. So ten minutes became half an hour, half an hour became an hour, and an hour became many.

The moon lit the night sky and I turned to Y/N,

"Okay, we have to leave now"

She agreed and we started making our way back, but hours later we were lost in the middle of an island that isn't on the map, with no human inhabitants and no clear way back to our boat.

I yelled in frustration,

"Argh! I knew this would happen! We should've just left when I said so!"

"It's not that bad. We can just make camp and find our way back in the morning."

"Last time we set up camp we almost died! This is stupid. I don't know why you can't just listen to me when I say we're gonna get lost!"

She stepped back and furrowed her eyebrows, frowning,

"Well sorry General, but if you knew this was gonna happen you should've drawn out a map!"

"I shouldn't have had to draw out a map! We should've just left when I said so!"

"When you said so!? Okay your highness."

She spat that last part out really coldly.

"We don't know where we are! What if something happens to you? Huh? If were gonna be on this trip you need to listen to me!"

"I didn't ask for you to turn up at my window!"

"Well if you didn't want to be here then you shouldn't have come!"

"You're just like my parents! Trying to tell me what to do! I'm not stupid!"

"I didn't say you- you know what? Fine! I'm just like your parents? You don't have to be with me anymore then. We're going home."


I turned away from her and muttered,

"Just find somewhere to sleep. We leave at sunrise."

I heard her stomp away muttering something under her breath.

He was being so infuriating.

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