Sifu Iroh

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I didn't tell my parents, most girls in my village stay with their parents until they find a husband, so I went out everyday with their permission after I convinced them that I was going out to meet a mysterious suitor, when really everyday I was:

"Everyone at attention!"

I saluted my general, General Iroh marched down the line of new recruits from nearby villages and towns. He called forward non benders and sent them with a colonel to a separate area to train, he then called forward the benders of each element, one by one, and sent them to each area to train with a master colonel. He went between each training session, checking on each of the groups, challenging some of the recruits, and sometimes just observing.

The water bending master was very aggressive and had a very forceful way of bending. I practiced water bending by teaching myself by the stream, at peace. This new take on water bending, it was very different for me, almost unsettling- the anger, the rage. It fits the description of what I'd heard of the firebenders in the Great War.

General Iroh came to check on me and the water benders, watching a few of them sparring, throwing fireballs at some. Then he stopped by me, he smiled,

"I'm glad you decided to join us"

I returned his warm smile, and he proceeded to move on. Day after day training was exactly the same, line up, salute the general, go to our separate areas to train. Iroh would check on everybody, and after a few hours we were dismissed.

One day he decided to mix and match all different types of benders and non benders to spar. I was matched with a non bender, who's fighting skills were so immaculate that I barely even had a chance to bend at all before he sent me flying.

"The army is no place for a girl like yourself, go home"

He was from my village. My head hung low , he was right, I was helpless, I was barely even able to put up a fight. Then I felt a strong hand grab hold of mine and lift me from the ground. I lifted my chin and my E/C eyes met with a pair of amber eyes.

"G-general! Sorry, I-"

He turned to the non bending man. "Any soldier under my training will be treated with the same respect you show to me. Otherwise, I have no interest in recruiting you for the United forces"

"But general-"

"Your sexist views are outdated, without Toph, Katara, Suki and the Kyoshi warriors, we'd still be at war. The greatest masters of earth and water are females, Y/N is a capable soldier, don't ever let me catch you disrespect her like that again."

The non Bender trembled:
"Y-y-yes general, I- I just- it won't happen again sir"

Iroh nodded, he turned back to me.

"And you, I'd like to speak to you after training."

I gulped,

"Y-yes general"

I felt my face flush red, something about his aura was so intimidating yet so soothing. Even though he had just defended me, he still absolutely terrified me.

The only competitors I was able to win against in sparring (on some occasions) were the other water benders and a couple of non benders. After another hour of practice, the session came to a close, and everybody left... so I sheepishly went over to the general.

"General Iroh, sir, you wanted to speak with me..."

He looked down at me, with no emotion apparent on his face. 

"Follow me"

I followed him from the palace court yard, through the doors, through the extravagant halls into a garden like area, with a turtle duck pond.

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