City Hall

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It took a while to get Iroh back on his feet again, but he was still in pain,

"Give me a little more time to work on it-"

"No. I'm fine, we need to keep moving."

I tugged on his hand,

"But Iroh-"

"No, Y/N."

"You're hurting!"

"We need to keep moving."

His voice was stern, there's no use in trying to convince him when he's like this; I sighed,

"As soon as this is over, you have to let me keep working on it."

He nodded and pulled my hand up to his face, kissing the back of it gently,

"Okay, deal. You ready to go?"

I nodded.

The soldiers had been standing strong against the earth benders, they hadn't advanced on us at all.

Iroh shouted out to the troops,

"Alright, let's keep moving!"

I grabbed my backpack and followed Iroh with the rest of the troops, we held off most of them, with very few problems and marched straight to city hall to find the minister- but when we arrived, it was empty.

He wasn't there.

Iroh looked shocked, the troops began muttering and whispering among themselves; I turned to Iroh,

"What do you want to do, General?"

He placed his hand on his chin,

"Hmm. Well, if the council has abandoned control of the city, we need to go straight to the head of state, the United Forces can't take long-term responsibility for the Earth Kingdom's problems."

"So why are we even here in the first place if we fight for the United Republic?"

"Well, the United Republic was founded by Avatar Aang and my grandfather, since Aang's demise, towns and cities all over the world have fallen out of balance, so we need to do what we can to help until the next avatar is revealed."

I nodded,

"So, what's the orders, General?"

"I want most of our troops spread across the city, we need to settle the rioting. You, a few troops and myself will head to Ba Sing Se to speak with the Earth Queen, she'll need to give the order for her armies to handle this."

I saluted before running off to relay the orders to the rest of the troops.

Once the troops had spread around the city, Iroh, a few others and I left on a ship to Ba Sing Se.

I pulled Iroh into our room, I pointed to the bed and instructed,

"Lay down, I'll be right back with some water."

When I got back, I sat beside him and started working on the wound on his head again, we were quiet for a while before I asked,

"Why are we taking a ship? Isn't it a lot quicker to go on land?"

"To do that, we'd either have to cross through the Si Wong Desert or take the other route which would bring us to The Serpent's Pass. There's other ways, of course, but they'll all take up too much time- my main priority is to have our troops leave as soon as possible, I'm sure we'll be needed elsewhere soon."

"Do you think so?"


I moved my hands slightly further up his head,

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