Chapter 48

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DAMON POV"We should leave Mikeal alone, I talk to mads she thinks so too

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"We should leave Mikeal alone, I talk to mads she thinks so too." I told my little brother pouring down bourbon.

He tilted his head "I don't know what's sadder the fact that your best friends is your daughter aka a 9 year old, or the fact that the only person you can talk to is a 9 year old." He said and I glared at him.

"That nine year old happens to be your niece who's mother is the twin of the guy you're trying to kill." I raised my glass at him.

"Why do you care you've got Elena." He asked and I rolled my eyes, I don't know where everyone got the crazy idea I was in love with Elena.

"You know Stef, for once it's not all about her." I sat on the couch "Isn't it? I mean Klaus is here for Elena, Elijah came to protect Elena, Elena's a doppelgänger the world quite literally revolves around her." He shrugged.

"Do you really think it was a coincidence your reincarnated daughter just so happens to be the sister of the girl that Klaus and Amelia have to sacrifice in a ritual and has special blood?" He asked.

I pursed my lips, furrowing my eyebrows, leaning back onto the couch.

"It's just a matter of time before one of you have to choose between her and me...only question is who are you picking." He walked out the living room.

Madison's POV
"I win!" I smiled "What? How do you win?" Ric asked. We were playing poker, and I just won.

I laid my cards down "I got a 2,4,8,6, and a jack." I smiled taking all the money "That- that is not how it works." He frowned.

"It does to me." I put the $50 in my pocket "Hey that's my money!" He raised his hand and I shook my head.

"My win, my money...that's what daddy says." I stood up "Damon gives the dog whiskey because he doesn't feel like getting the water." He said

I shrugged "I still won." I walked over to the couch "So what is the di—dummy up to anyway." He caught himself.

I smiled and shrugged "I don't know, I woke up last week in the car. He said I was staying with you." I shrugged.

I've been back at home for a week, I don't know what's going on and neither does he.

His phone beeped, he started typing for a while then looked up at me.

"Why don't I call Tyler have him drop off Nick and we'll go out." He raised his eyebrow, he knows something now.

I nodded and he walked away, I turned the tv on watching Girl Meets World.
I haven't really seen anyone besides Jeremy and Alaric.

So it was nice to he hanging out with Nick. Ric took us to get ice cream and to the movies. Well he dropped us off at the movies.

It's a small town we know our way back and I have a phone now thanks to Uncle Klaus so does Nick.

"Last night I heard Ty on the phone with Caroline's dad, something about sire bonds." He said I was confused too.

"What's that?" I asked eating a whoppers the candy, he shrugged. "We always end up at some house that's getting built." He said

"Why?" I asked "I don't know, whenever I asked he says it's none of my business and sends me away." He explained.

That's weird Ty's never like that with Nick. I ate some more candy shrugging. "Let's just go back home." I said.

He nodded we stayed on the sidewalk taking the shortest way home.

We walked up the porch to see Elena about to walk in "Hey, Elena." Nick and I waved she turned quickly.

"Maddy? Nick? Why are you two alone?" She asked "Ric dropped us off at the movies said we could walk home." I told her walking up.

Her eyes widened "What?" She asked I shrugged opening the door "Ric we're ba..." I cut myself off seeing him kissing Dr. Fell.

I've seen her a couple times, like when I broke my arm jumping off the docks with Jer when I was 6 and when Jeremy pushed me and Nick off the slide and we broke our leg.

"I'm gonna go." She said pulling away from him "Ok yeah, sure." He said awkwardly, Nick and I covered our mouths so we wouldn't laugh.

"Guys I am so sorry." He rambled apologizing "Pleased it's ok." She put her stuff down "No I don't want to see that." I scrunched my face up on disgust.

"It's not ok, Elena. I mean this is not even my place it's yours, it's Jenna's place, it's your family's place." He looked down.

"You are our family." I told him "The minute that you slept on that couch it became your place, too." She told him.

"We needed you, and you stayed so thank you for that. Although it would be nice if you didn't leave them alone especially with Klaus and his hybrids." Elena said.

"What?" Nick and I asked this was news to us. They turned to us "Go to your room, please." Elena looked at me.

I placed my hands on my hips "No, everyone's been leaving us out of everything." I shook my head.

"Madison if Damon told you to go you would." She said and I rolled my eyes "Because unlike you he can tell me what to do." I said.

"Maddy, you two go I'll come talk to you in the minute." Roc told us in a soft voice, I said and me and Nick went upstairs.

"They leave us out of everything." We both mumbled sitting on the bed.

"Alexa play "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction." Nick said and my frown turned into a smiled.

We jumped off the bed dancing like crazy "You're insecure don't know what for You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or." We sung.

3rd POV
The two Best friends danced around the room singing to their favorite band and singers and the moment.

Alaric walked up the stairs on the phone with the eldest Salvatore.

"Ric she can't know anything." "I know, Damon she's fine she doesn't know anything." "Thanks man you're saving my ass." "You owe me...although we might have a problem." "What" "She knows about Klaus and the hybrids" "Damnit just try to keep her in the dark about everything else please" "Yeah ok" "And are you listening to that band she's always singing to" "No her and Nick are having a little party I guess" "So she's happy?" "Yeah" "Good she has something normal I'll call you tomorrow keep her safe Ric, or you'll end up like John with a hand sewed on" "yeah ok bye dick." Alaric hung up shaking his head laughing.

He went to his camera opening the door slightly to Madison's room where she was dancing with Nick.

She videoed them for a few seconds just so Damon could see her little smile again.

Ric walked into the room "Alright bed time, go brush your teeth." He walked in the kids giggled running into the bathroom music still playing.

At the Salvatore House, Damon downed his glass of whiskey.

He saw a message for Ric opening it to see the video of his little princess. He played it smiling to himself.

He kept thinking about what Stefan had told him last week the night before he dropped of Madison.

"Her....It'll always be her." He looked at the video shutting his phone off.

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