Chapter 9

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"Jenna?" I called "Hmm." "Can I go hang out with Damon today?" I asked.

"Stefan's brother?" She asked I nodded "yeah it's Stefan's birthday today." I smiled and she sat down.

"Yeah, sure just tell Stefan I said happy birthday." She said and I nodded and ran up to my room.

"She said it's fine." I said to him, he was sitting by my window. "I'll be back in 15 minutes get dressed." He said and left.
Damon and I were in Stefan's room, he was laying on the bed next to a pretty lady with blonde hair.

He said that's Stefan's best friend Lexi, I was at the edge of the bed playing a game on Damon's phone.

"Hello, Lexi." I heard Damon say and I turned around smiling "hi." I waved and she groaned "seriously you kidnapped a child?" She said to him.

"He didn't kidnap me." I said "yeah, for your information that's my best friend, right munchkin?" He asked and I nodded.

"I think the wrong brother went back to high school." Lexi said "How long ya here for?" "Just for Stefan's B-day."

"Aww. You mean you didn't come all this way to see me?" Dammy said and I giggled "that's it Damon after a century I finally realized death means nothing without you, do me."

Dammy covered my ears and I couldn't hear what they were saying, Lexi started speeding around and then she was choking Dammy.

"I don't think she likes you very much." I said once she left "you think." He said I giggled "what're you laughing at?" One of his eyebrows raised up.

"Nothing." I said and he smirked and started tickling me "s-s-t-t-t-o-o-p-p." I stuttered laughing.

"Say Damon is the best." He said I shook my head laughing "no." I said and he started tickling me again.

"Ok..da...da..m..m...o..n is the best." I said and he stopped "no he isn't." I said and took off running, Dammy running after me.

"Can I go play outside?" I asked "yeah come on." He stood up "no I want to go by myself talk to my friends." I said

"The animals?" He asked I nodded "munchkin, I don't know?" I asked "please?" I gave my puppy eyes.

"Fine stay by the window." He said I smiled and went to get my shoes, running outside.

"Thumper, Jill, molly, Jack?" I called and they all showed up. "Hey, maddy." They all said and I smiled.

"Hi, I need to ask you guys something." I said and they all sat down "I've been having weird dreams, of a girl she looks just like me." I said

"Who is it?" "I don't know her names Isabella and it's like we're twins." I said they perked up "do you know something?" I asked.

"Stories." Jack said "from our ancestors, who lived long ago." Lyric said "what do you know?" I asked.

"Well, legend says almost 200 years ago lived a little girl, a special girl." Spinn said "mm-Hmm she had a gift, a gift like no other." Thumper said.

"She could talk to us, like you can...she was a bright girl, very happy, the most innocent and beautiful girl you'd ever meet."

"But something happened, Vampires they killed her out of spite, the girl had touched so many and was loved by many that it left a whole in everyone who ever laid eyes on her."

"The little girls mother was special too, she was a witch...she saw the affect it took on everyone including herself and cast a spell, taking the memories of everyone who ever laid eyes on her or heard of her."

"Who was she?" I asked "Her name was, Isabella." Molly said "how old was she?" I asked "4." "Wait what does this have to do with my dreams?" I asked.

"Kid! Why don't you come in and eat something." Damon said I nodded and waved to all the animals.

"Damon have you ever knew anyone names Isabella?" I asked he shook his head "No." he said.

Who is Isabella? What do the animals know? And is Isabella, and who is Isabella Salvatore? Are they the same? What's her relation to Damon and Stefan?
"Happy birthday!" I said to Stefan "thank you, Madison." He smiled.

"Are you having a party?" I asked going along with the plan Damon and I made "no.." he shook his head.

"You should everyone has birthday parties I've never not had one and I'm 8, aren't you like 500?" I asked Lexi laughed.

"Try 162." He said "you're old, why don't you have a party at the grill?" I asked "yeah Stefan there a party at the grill you'll love it." Dammy walked in.

"You tried using the poor, innocent, child to rope Stefan into a party." Lexi said "I'm not poor." I said they laughed.

"I don't want a birthday party." Stef said and I looked at my hand "it's not for you it's a party, party, no one will even know it's your birthday." I read.

"Caroline's throwing it." Dammy said "Damon nagar away from Caroline and stop using Mads." Stef said.

"We're friends it's cool." Dammy said "aren't you using that mind thingy on her?" I asked "shh,'s important for the twin to see us out and about like normal folk, we need to blend." Dammy said.

"I prefer mine at 98.6...come on, munchkin." Dames said and I grabbed his hand "can I have some ice cream?" I asked

"Are you supposed to eat ice cream for lunch?" He asked "no." I said sadly "then yes you can." He said and I smiled.

Damon is the best, I don't know why no one else likes him, he's really fun and cool.

Little Gilbert {1}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara