Chapter 67

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"You're ok," Dad hugged us both holding onto us for dear life, it's not like we were in trouble with Kol...I don't think.

"Yeah, but we need to help Uncle Kol," Nick and I pulled away from him, "He's scared he's gonna end up back in one of your little boxes," Nick turned to Uncle Klaus.

"When we ran he was talking to Jeremy."

The guys looked confused, "Jeremy? What does he want with Jer—," Uncle Stef cut my dad off.

"His hunter's mark. Kol doesn't want this Silas guy to be out running free," He leaned against the wall.

"And the only way to let him go running free is for Jeremy to complete the mark,"

"But if there's no hunter then there's no mark. Which means lights out for poor Jeremy." Uncle Nik finished.

"He's gonna kill my brother?" I asked scared and they all turned to us, "No, no, he's not. Jeremy's gonna be fine, ok," Dad told me.

"Probably," Uncle Nik shrugged and Daddy shoved him.

"Don't lie to her. If you couldn't stop him what makes you think you could stop, Kol?" Nick spoke up talking about Klaus.

"Alright. You two up to your rooms. Now. No arguments, and stay put," Dad pulled us out of the cellar.


"No buts go,"

Nick and I rolled our eyes going upstairs to our bedrooms to get out of our school clothes and into more comfortable clothes.

Yeah, Nick has his own bedroom here aparently, even though we've shared a bed since we were born when boys stay with girls bad things happen. At least, that's what my dad says.

"Jer's a hunter, which means he kills vampires and Kol is a vampire," I sat on my bed with Max talking to the animals and Nick.

"Doesn't Klaus have the white oak stake?" Benny a baby rabbit who was just born like 2 months ago asked. It's kind of weird seeing one after Thumper.

"About that...Kol took it from Rebekah who got it from Elena I think," I shrugged they should keep records of when they switch the stake around.

"But why did Jeremy call Kol over if he knew he'd try to kill him?" Nick asked and Max barked.

"Trap," Spinn sat on Max's head, "Max said it first," I looked at him, "Shut up, human,"


"Are we gonna help the guy or are you two gonna keep fighting over the pup?" Molly asked and we looked over.

Max smiled a bit, "How are we supposed to help him?"

Nick shook his head, "That's you guys, I'm out." He stood, "What do you mean you're out? It's Kol,"

"I know who he is, what does that mean to me?" He shrugged, "I don't know, maybe that he's your brother."

"No, he's not!" Nick denied, "You may be able to just turn around and disregard your entire family for them, but I can't. He killed my mom, Maddy."

I looked down, "He's sorry, he was just angry. Please, Nick. He's my family. He's our family."

Nick put his hands in his pockets and looked down and up at the animals who had all eyes on him.

"Fine. Just this once," He walked over to my shelves pulling out a big book.

"Bonnie's been teaching us some spells. She hasn't taught us much but we can figure it out," He sat down flipping through the grimoire.

"Protection spell?" Randy, a raccoon, asked.

"He's right. Their blood will help if you can do it time,"

There was a knock on the door. Nick and I shared a look before he slid the grimoire under my bed rushing over, and the animals went into the closet.

Nick ran over to my bed sitting right when my dad walked in.

"Hey, kids. I'm gonna head out, can you two not cause any problems while I'm gone?" He asked and we nodded.

"Stay out of the cellar. Ok, I'm serious I'm not joking...keeping him in there is safer for everyone."

"Ok, night, Daddy," I smiled a bit and he tilted his head.

"Yeah, night." He bit his lip, "Lockwood. Your room, now," He pointed and Nick looked at me before following dad out.

A few minutes, later Nick crept in and the animals came back out.

"Ok, come on, we have to hurry," I moved to the floor next to Nick. He had a thing of salt in his hand.

He poured the salt out onto my floor making a small circle with a weird symbol in the middle.

"Give me your hand."

I held out my hand to him and he held his finger up and his nail elongated turning into a sharp claw.

He cut my hand a bit with it, I hissed in pain as my hand started to sting and my blood fell into the small circle of salt.

He did the same to his and we held hands. We shut our eyes thinking of the spell as the wind picked up around us.

15 seconds later, it all stopped and we opened our eyes, dropping our hands.

"Did it work?"

I sat still for a few seconds feeling a darkness flow through me. It felt like....death.

"I don't know," Nick said looking around, "Maddy. Hey, you ok?" He shook me and I shook my head.

"I didn't work," I whispered just having that feeling, "We weren't strong enough," I stood up kicking the salt circle.


"Just, leave, all of you. I want to be alone." I turned towards them "No you're—," Nick started.

"Why do you care? You didn't even want to help in the first place. Just leave me alone," I got into my bed turning so my back was facing them.

What's the point of having magic when you can't do anything with it?

I'm weak, I can't even do a simple spell like protecting someone. I mean I'm a Mikaelson witch, I'm supposed to be able to do all this stuff. Why can't I? How come I'm not strong enough? It's not fair, he didn't deserve to die.

It's all my fault.

3rd POV
Klaus sat on the ground, at the Gilbert home, trapped inside of the living room staring at his brother's, burnt to death, body.

He kept thinking of all the ways he could kill them and even ways to torture his sister.

After all, to Klaus if she had just given over the dagger earlier or if she hadn't taken it at all, Kol wouldn't have been killed.

He knew his brother deserved to die, they all did. But that didn't mean he wanted him to. Yeah, Kol wasn't the most honorable person and he went against his family multiple times, but none of the Mikaelsons wished to see the fall of any of their siblings.

Klaus had enough of staring at his brother like he'd just magically pop up, he stood turning away from the body and started to pace.

He needed a way out and when he got out the supernatural group of Mystic Falls better hope he doesn't find them.

Klaus had found a picture frame that was hanging on the wall and threw it to the ground causing a loud crashing sound.

But that didn't mask a loud gasp that came from behind him. He turned quickly to see his little-no-so-burnt-to-death-brother.

"What the bloody hell happened?"

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