Chapter 23

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Dames killed Nickolas and Tyler's Uncle Mason last night.

Katherine got mad and compelled Aunt Jenna to stab her self, she's ok but she barely made it out.

I ran inside the house with Max waiting for Matt, Elena, and Jeremy to bring Jenna in. I hurried upstairs to get changed out of my pajamas.

Max and I ran back down the stairs where they all were "I'm hungry." I sat on the couch "Well Elena is making lunch." Jenna said.

Max jumped on the couch next to me "I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to you having a dog." She said

Max barked at Jenna "He's not gonna attack me is he?" She asked and Matty and I laughed.

"He's not mean, well he is to Elena but he's not mean." I said and Max crawled into my lap.

"I've got F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Season three ready to go." Matt held up the remote "He sis I'm going to Damon's want to come?" Jer walked out the kitchen.

"Yeah, we'll watch it later, Jenna." I smiled and she nodded "Go, kid I'll see you later." She said, I smiled and went off with Jeremy, Max following behind me.
"We're gonna kill Katherine." Jeremy and I said, well he is I'm not doing anything. In fact I'm not even allowed to go.

"I can explain." Stefan said "Please." Bon raised her eyebrows "We're gonna kill Katherine." He repeated

"We literally just said that." I said "You, go play with Max, call you animals up." Dames said "Shh, I don't want Stefan to eat them." I said

Ric and Jeremy laughed "I'm sorry what?" Stefan asked, yeah no one knows I can talk to animals.

"Nothing, bye." I waved and went up to my room.

"You need to stay away from that ball." Jade said "I'm not going." I sat on my bed, pouting. "Don't pout we're saving your life." Thumper hopped on my bed.

"From what?" I asked them "It's had no importance, not anymore." Lyric said "Ok, you guys are weird but since you want to help think you can sneak downstairs and steal the ice cream?" I asked.

Max shook his head and grumbled, the birds and thumper went down to steal the ice cream.

I heard a high pitch scream and a loud angry voice "Madison!" Damon yelled, I laughed as they came back up with the ice cream tub.

"Lock the door." I giggled, knowing Damon was on his way up the stairs to shoo the animals away, and probably yell at me.

The door knob rattled and I ate some of my ice cream "Sorry, no animal phobics allowed, or bunny eaters." I said

I looked at thumper and shook my head "I'm honestly surprised you're still alive, all the bunnies Stef had been eating." I said

The bird laughed and Max sat with a smile, I ate my ice cream and played around in my gigantic room with the animals.
I stuffed my mouth with Cheese pizza and threw a wing bone down to Max.

"What's happening?" I whispered to Ric who was texting with Damon "Plans in motion." He said and grabbed a wine bottle.

"Do you think they'll actually kill her?" I asked him and he sighed and looked at me "Honestly I don't know, she seems pretty smart." He said and Elena walked over.

"What's going on?" She asked us "What do you mean?" Ric acted as if he had no idea what she was talking about.

"I haven't heard from anyone all day, it's like everyone's avoiding me and now Jeremy's supposedly at the party, he hates stuff like that." She said

"And Damon tells Madison everything so if you don't know she does." She said, well played sister.

I shrugged "Maybe they just don't like you anymore." I said she glared at me and Ric hid his smile.

"I don't know what to tell you, Elena." He said and his phone rung, uh oh. "So then you'll be ok of Me and Mads head out and try to meet up with everyone." She said

"Don't bring me into it." I said Max tried climbing onto the table "Down, boy you know Jenna doesn't like you on the furniture." I said

"Wait, Wait, Wait." Ric said "Way to be subtle Ric." I said, I learned a lot of words for the Salvatores.

"What're you two hiding?" She asked and we both sighed "Stefan told us to make sure you stayed home." I said

"And keep an eye out for Katherine in case she came by while they're at the party." Ric finished.

"So Stefan's at the party too, he would never go for himself, he did that stuff for me." She said I spoke up "Leave it, Elena." I said

"She's right just let this one go, ok Elena." Ric said and walked back to, Jenna. Elena shook her head and walked away.

"Sisters." I shook my head at Max.

I was in my room, watching Netflix when Elena grabbed my hand and dragged me out. "Hey!" I yelled "SHH!" She shushed me.

We walked out the front door last Ric and Jenna "Wow, sneaking me out late at night, aren't you supposed to be a good influence." I said

We got in the car "You're with Damon everyday, I don't think anyone has to worry about me being a bad influence." She said
Elena took us to the Masquerade party, she made me go find Nick and hang out with him.

Which I don't mind I love my best friend, I just want to be apart of the action too.

Elena came and got me, she had blood all on her shirt "What happened?" I asked "Nothing, let's get home." She said

Her phone rung "Maddy is with me...Yeah Jeremy I've got my car tell Bonnie whatever she did, I'm starting to feel better....Yeah you can drive her home I'm just gonna go straight to bed...ok." She hung up.

I saw somebody behind us and jerked her hand "Elena!!" I yelled and everything went black.

Seriously! I'm gonna die and I'm only 9, great.

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