Chapter 74

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"Princess, we'll be back don't let anyone in!" Dad left out of the house with Uncle Stef and Matt.

They've been trying to turn Elena's emotions back on all day. I huffed leaning into the couch and dad walked back in.

"Katherine!" He called and my sister's doppelgänger rolled her eyes walking out of the door with him.

"Ugh! They leave me at home all the time!" I crossed my arms staring at the animals in front of me.

Chippy grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, "Watch some tv. Oh, look, it's Little Bill," He hopped on the couch.

"That's for 4-year-olds," I gave him a look and he rolled his eyes "You're 10 there's not much of a difference," Rosco added and they all gathered around getting comfortable while watching.

Baba cuddled up to me and I groaned "I hate being locked up," I said and a loud ring was heard through the house.

Raven dropped a phone in my lap and I saw Amelia flashing on the screen.


"Hello? Damon?" Amelia? She went to New Orleans with Uncle Nik to find that Jane woman who's trying to kill him.


"Oh, where is your father?"

"Not at home when are you guys coming back I'm bored" I heard a chuckle.

"That's why I was calling, just tell your dad to call me once he gets back ok?"

I sighed confused "Ok, but you're coming back, right?" This seems too weird.

"Bye, Little Wolf,"

"Bye," I hung up groaning "I hate being the youngest, they never tell me anything,"

The animals all turned to me "Shh!"



I woke up to my dad shaking me, "Hey, baby," he whispered and I rubbed my eyes adjusting to the light and sound of the living room.


"Elena's back. She's upstairs if you wanted to—," I shook my head cutting him off, "I'm good,"

He nodded, "Have you seen my phone? I think. I left it here?" He looked around and I sat up nodding.

I looked between the couch cushions pulling out his phone "Mom called. She said to call her back," I told him.

"Ok, come on, let's get you in bed," He lifted me off of the couch, "Hey...yeah when are you coming back I miss you here....what's wrong.... what! You're kidding," He said on the phone.

I laid my head on his shoulder not hearing what's being said on the other line, "Amelia... I don't care what shit he's in...yeah I know but in case you've forgotten you've got a kid back at home, oh and me you can't be serious..." He took a long pause after his last words.

We reached my room and he sat me on my bed turning around, "What...I'm sorry you're not there's no way...that was different I was human there's no...Amelia! Amelia!"

He brought the phone from his ear and ran his hands through his hair. I wonder what's so bad that's got him like this.


He turned to look at me and sighed before kneeling in front of me, "Listen, uh—Amelia's not coming back for a while," He held onto my hand.

"Why?" I asked and he looked into my eyes swallowing and his eyes glossed over a bit. He cleared his throat, "Just because, you should go back to sleep, I'll see you in the morning, kid," He stood kissing my head.

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