Chapter 36

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"What happened?" Damon asked, once we got home. Nick was still passed out.

"I don't know, I'm pretty sure he was turning." I whispered "I thought he could on turn on will." He whispered a little angry.

"I think the animals know something." I said and he rolled his eyes "Yeah because the birds know everything." He scoffed.

"More than you." I mumbled and he turned to me "Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrow "I'm sorry, he's my best him, please." I begged Damon.

He sighed and hugged me "He'll be fine, I promise." He kissed my head and I nodded holding onto to Damon.

I held my tears back, I couldn't lose Nick. Not with all the craziness going on right now.
I heard Nick waking up "Hey." I whispered, he's been out a long time.

Elena also got kidnapped during that time... again. Is it so hard to stay in one place everyday.

"What happened?" He sat up and I shrugged "You were turning and then you weren't so.." I shrugged.

"What's that noise?" He asked and I shook my head "What noise?" I asked and he stood up heading downstairs.

Elena, Stefan, and Damon were talking and Uncle John was still dead on the floor.

"Ah, baby Lock-wolf returns." Damon said and we rolled our eyes "What's going on?" I asked "Well we're giving you and our sister our house." He said.

"Really, so you're broke, now we have to pay the bills." I crossed my arms "No, dummy your name is just on it." Nick nudged me.

"Shut up." I smacked him and sat on the couch "Just know if you two lock me out I'll be super pissed and you'll miss your favorite person." Damon pointed at me.

"Yeah, but I'll stay up as late as I want, never go to school, and eat all the ice cream." I smiled and he smirked.

"And who's gonna buy you some more, make you food, and wash your clothes?" He asked and I frowned.

"Dang it." I slumped back into the couch, Nick laughing sitting next to me. John finally woke up.

We heard loud barks, Max came speeding downstairs accidentally tripping over Uncle John.

He jumped up stepping all over John and sat on top of me and Nick "Max...Down now!" Damon ordered him.

Max had mud all on his feet, which he tracked all the way downstairs and on John.

Damon sped to John holding him up by his jacket.

"I swear I had no idea what she was planning, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." John looked at Elena.

"Damon, let him go. He and I need to talk." She said in a dark voice, if she keeps that up I won't be able to tell if she's Katherine or not.

Elena went outside with John "Where's Ric?" I asked out of the blue. "Don't know, but you and Baby wolf over there are going to his after school." He said.

"Why?" I asked "Well I have stuff to do, and he's taking you two to Jenna's." He said and Nick and I nodded.

"Oh and Stefan is still here, so locking you out wouldn't be a problem." I joked "I don't think Stefan knows what kind of food you like, when you get out of school, where your school is, what size you wear." He went on.

"Ok. Ok. We get it, Stefan's a bad Uncle." I said and Stefan threw a pillow at me "You liked me better than him when you met me." Stefan said.

Nick and I shrugged and Damon laughed "Well she doesn't have a jacket with your name on it." Stefan shot at Damon.

"We have the same last name you idiot." Damon said and Nick and I laughed leaving them to argue.

"Maddy! Bathe the dog!" Damon yelled after us and I groaned "Come on, Max!" I yelled and  Max came following after us.

"Damnit he stained the carpet." We heard Damon complain, we giggled heading up to bathe him.

Just to annoy Damon we bathed Max in his bathroom. He hates when anyone uses his tub or his shower.

3rd POV
In the apartment of Alaric Saltzman stood a warlock Maddox performing a spell on Mr.Saltzman himself.

"Somno Ritum Per Dax Ritum, Somno Ritum Per Dax Ritum,Somno Ritum Per Dax Ritum." He chanted his hands on Alaric's temple.

Katherine looked around taking in her surroundings. Alaric awoken and Amelia walked up to check if the spell worked.

Alaric stood up "Alaric?" Katherine questioned, A smile crosses his face. She rushed over to the door but an invisible force prevents her from exiting. Alaric slowly walks over to her.

Amelia smirked watching "Zdravei, Katerina." Klaus spoke taking her face into his hands. "I have missed you." He smirked.

Katherine gulped in fear "Klaus." She whispered knowing what was coming to her.

"Glad to have you back, brother." Amelia made her way to them. Klaus moved away from Katherine.

"Ah, little sister I have missed you." Klaus sighed "I'm sure you have, and while I am enjoying this little reunion." Amelia pointed between him and Katherine.

"We have bigger problems." She crossed her arms giving her twin a look, she's gonna have to get Maddox to repair his memories.

No matter how painful it'll be.

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