Chapter 28

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Nick and I are working on our science project at Damon's, while Jenna is at work.

"You kids hungry?" Damon walked down the stairs, we haven't really talked much to each other.

"Yeah." I said not looking up "I'll order a pizza then." He said and headed out to the kitchen.

"Ok, I'm tired of working let's watch tv." Nick sat on the couch and Max jumped on him "See Max want to watch tv too." He said and I laughed.

"Fine, but you're doing extra work tomorrow." I said grabbing the remote "So Flash or Arrow?" I asked.

"Flash, you're still on the episode when they're attacked by aliens?" He asked and I nodded "Yeah, I haven't watched since last time." I put it one.

We watched tv, until Tyler came and picked him up. I was sitting on the living room floor staring at a candle.

I know I have magic now, I just have to figure out how to use it. "Hey, Kid what're you doing?" Damon asked.

"Nothing." I said and sat back on the couch, he sighed and sat next to me "You're not still mad at me are you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Are you sure, because it doesn't seem like it." He said "I'm not." I said leaning back on the couch.

I heard him huff and get up "Here, I know you went snooping around my room." He said bringing me a box.

"No I wasn't." I lied, I was in his room looking for things from back when he was human "I'm a vampire I know everything." He said

I took the box and looked inside "Is that Elijah?" I picked up a picture "What the Fu.." I cut him off slapping my hand over his mouth.

"Elena said you can't say those words." I took my hand down and he rolled his eyes "I don't know." He said.

In the picture next to Elijah was Nik...the guy I saw in my dream once "That's Nik." I said "Nik, like Amelia's brother?" He asked.

"You lived in 1864 not me." I said and he smirked "So what? This means I knew them." He said taking the picture.

"Why is Elijah there? How many siblings does she have?" I asked and he shrugged "I only knew of her twin." He said

"In my dreams there's 4 of them, Nik, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol." I said slowly "So those are all her siblings?" He asked

"I know they're Isabella's aunt and uncles." I looked down "You're still having dreams?" He asked and I nodded.

"Look, Munchkin I'm sorry I yelled at you. I really am, and you know sometimes I do things I don't have to do because I'm a dick..sorry." He said

I bit my lip and then hugged him "Me too, I was mean ignoring you." I said "Yeah you were, had me alone without my favorite person." We pulled away.

His phone buzzed and he groaned "What?" I asked "Your sister, she's on a suicide mission and I have to go save the day." He said annoyed.

"Well why are you still sitting come on." He said and I giggled, I missed Damon.
So Elena tried to hand herself over to Elijah to be handed off to Klaus and Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine.

"Want one?" Damon held out his glass, with bourbon. I looked at him like he was crazy and he shrugged.

"What?" He asked and I shook my head "You gave Max some earlier now look at him." I pointed at Max.

He was wrestling the tv, Dora was on and he can't stand that show. Whenever he sees or hears it he usually just barks at it.

Now he's drunk and he broke the Tv trying to kill Dora.

"Ehh he looked thirsty." He said and I rolled my eyes "For water, not bourbon." I said and looked back down at my math homework.

I didn't finish it earlier because I was too lazy "Need help?" He asked and I nodded "Not really, but you could speed it up telling me the answer." I gave him an innocent smile.

"Let's see, Jayden has 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and 5 nickels. His brother gives him 3 times as much how much money does he have now?" Damon read aloud.

He laughed sipping his drink "Easy, Not a lot." He said and sat down "Seriously, I need a real answer." I said

He sighed "Fine, uh.....oh the answer is." He was cut off by the doorbell, we both looked at each other.

"You're not expected a boy are you?" He raised his eyebrow, I rolled my eyes taking his drink "That's enough." I said.

He got up "Fine, but if it's a boy he won't make it past the door." He said "You need to lay off the bourbon." I whispered.

"Who is it this late?" He said opening the door "Holy.." he started and I cut him off seeing the person "Shit." I said.

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