Chapter 14

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Dammy said Stefan agreed to help him get into the tomb where Amelia is. We have to find a journal that belonged to Jonathan Gilbert.

Stefan and Dammy are coming over for dinner tonight.

"Do you know if they're really helping me?" Dames asked and I shrugged "They haven't said anything to me." I said

"Promise you'll tell me if you hear something?" He asked and I nodded. I don't get why he doesn't just ask Stefan or just tell him who's actually in the tomb.

I sat in Damon's lap while he and Jer played a video game. He even let me play a little. Stefan came finally.

When we opened the door he was staring at Damon weirdly. We all stepped outside, Stefan said someone took the journal.

"Who took it? Oh you know it's that teacher" Dames asked "No, he doesn't know anything somebody got to him right before me." Stef said

"Who else knew it was there?" Dames asked "Jer." I said they all looked inside the house then burst back inside.

"Leave him out of it." Lena Dias "why, what's the big deal?" He said his voice sounds funny "So...I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day. Who else did you show it to?" Dames asked Jeremy.

"Huh?" "Don't ask questions just spill." Dames said and Jer laughed "you're kidding me right?" "Jer, did you tell anyone other than Mr. Saltzman about Jonathan Gilbert's journal?" Lena asked him.

"Why is everybody so obsessed with that thing?" He asked, see if Elena just told him he wouldn't be asking so many questions.

"Who else did you tell?" She asked again "Just that girl Anna." He said "The hit weird one?" Damon said at the same time I said "your girlfriend?"

"Who's Anna?" Stef asked "That's what I want to find do you know her?" Damon asked "he met her at the library." I said

Jeremy gave me a look "she wants me to meet her at the grill tonight." He said "perfect I'll drive, let's go. Munchkin." Dames said and picked me up.
Damon and I were sneaking in a motel "So you know who Anna is?" I asked him "She lived with us back in 1864." He said and I gasped.

"So she's a vampire." I said "Very much...shh." He put a finger on his mouth. The door opened and he sped up to her.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to find you, and who is baby Gilbert here?" She asked.

"How long have you been here?" Dames asked her "I arrived half past comet. Watching you screw up every chance you had to pen that tomb." She smirked.

"How'd you know about the spell?" He asked "I didn't say much back then which means I heard everything." She smiled.

"If you've been here the whole time why are we just crossing paths now." He moved towards her.

"I like to use others to do my dirty work." She walked towards me waving "like Logan Fell?... oh yeah thanks for that by the way, little bastard shot me." He said

"Logan was and idiot...we slipped him some blood when he started getting all poser slayer with that compass I needed his family's journal. I couldn't let him die." She smirked again.

"What's you want with the fell journal?" "I thought it contained the location of the witch's spell book, I was wrong Accor to her journal honoraya gave it to Jonathan Gilbert and according to this he gave it to your father, so now you're gonna help me find it." She picked up a journal.

"Why would I help you?" "Cause you and I both want that tomb open...and I know it's not Katherine want." She said and handed him the journal.

I walked over and tugged on his leg he looked down at me and picked me up so I could see. I couldn't understand it though it was cursive.

He gave her the journal back "Sorry, I work alone." He said "Yeah and baby Gilbert?" She asked looking at me.

"Only exception." He said and we walked out "where are we going." I laid my head on his shoulder "my fathers grave."
"Well what do you know? This is an interesting tube of events." Dames said putting me down "I can't let you bring her back, I'm sorry." Stef said.

"So am I...for thinking for even a second to think that I can trust you." Dames said "You are not capable of trust, I love her too Damon and I really wish we could have her back but I can't trust you, the fact that you're here means you read the journal which means you were planning on doing this yourself." Stef said

I was confused he wants Katherine back too "Of course I was doing it by myself because the only one I can count on is me! And this little munchkin right here, she won't betray me. You made sure of that many years ago Stefan!" Dames said

"But you, you had my fooled." Dames said to Elena and she looked down "so what're you gonna do now, because if you destroy try and destroy that I'll rip her heart out." Dames said and I hid behind Him.

"You won't kill her." Stef said and dames sped to Elena holding her and biting into his wrist putting it into her mouth.

"Give me the book Stefan. Or I'm snapping her neck and you're gonna have a vampire girlfriend." Dames threatened.

"Do it and I'll turn Madison." Stef said and sped to me holding Mel one Damon had Elena forcing his blood into my mouth.

Damon looked down at me "Do it and I swear to god Elena won't see the light of day again."Dames said

"I'm not gonna give this to you until she is standing next to me." Stefan said "The problem is I no longer trust that you'll give it back." Dames said

"You just did the one thing that ensures that I will and if you want Amelia back you'll do it." Stefan said and Damon stood shocked.

Stefan put the book down and dames let go of Elena making Stefan let me go. I ran to Damon and hugged him.

He picked me up and held me tight "He won't hurt you,. I swear." He said and rubbed my head.

Damon took me home with him, to keep me safe while Stefan's blood is in my system.

"You ok?" He asked and I nodded "Stefan knows about Amelia now." I said and he nodded and sat by Me.

"Yeah, kinda put that together....why don't you get some sleep you'll feel better in the morning." He said and tucked me in.

"Will you stay with me?" I whispered "Always." He whispered and kissed my head and laid next to me.

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