Chapter 22

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MADISON POV I didn't want to walk around all day, helping to set up for the carnival

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I didn't want to walk around all day, helping to set up for the carnival. What I'm lazy.

"Aren't you worried that one day all the forest animals are gonna b and together and fight back, I mean surely they talk." I heard dames said.

"Yeah Stefan, you're killing all my friends." I glared at him "I'm just happy that's a, uh a blood bag and not a sorority girl supplying your dinner." Stef said to him.

He's been a little on edge since last night, apparently Katherine told him that Amelia never loved him, and he was just a toy in one her many games.

I got annoyed, with them. They argue about the same thing everyday, so I left them alone to talk.

Jade, lyric, and thumper were in my room "Unless you want to be Stefan's snack, I don't really think you should stay long." I said and they laughed.
I had Max, on his leash walking around the carnival.

"Aww, my little sister has a dog?" I heard and turned seeing Katherine. I rolled my eyes and stopped.

"Why're you here?" I asked her "Same reason as last night, causing trouble." She smirked "You already hurt Damon enough." I crossed my arms.

"Ugh, don't worry about him I had a different play toy this time." She smiled, I placed my hands on my hips.

"Why do you keep telling me everything, when I can easily tell My siblings, or Damon?" I asked and she walked toward me.

Max growled at her "Bite me, and I'll rip all your teeth out." She threatened him, I pulled him back.

"You and I both know, you aren't gonna say anything. Because you dear, sister love the fact that you know something that they don't, they all pass you around as just some kid who knows nothing, but you know more than any of them ever could." She walked closer to me.

"You hold more power than anyone I've ever met, and I know some powerful people. She'll be interested in you." She said

I sighed "Bye, Katherine." I turned "Leaving me all alone how rude." She said I rolled my eyes and left her there.

"Hey, M." My best friend said "Hi, Nick." I smiled "Hey, Max." He bent down petting him "I've got some extra tickets, we can go on that rollercoaster you wanted." I said to him.

Nick smiled and stood up "Yeah come on." He said. While we went on rides, I kept Max tied up at the entrance.

"That was fun!" He laughed once we got off one "I know." I said, it was 10:00 now, it's been awhile since I've seen Damon, Elena, or Stefan anywhere.

"Hey I should probably go find my sister." I grabbed Max "Yeah I gotta get back to ty and Uncle Mason." He said

Max started sniffing the ground, and starting walking "May where are we going?" I asked, we ended up near the parking lot.

Caroline was there, with blood all over her face and there was a guy laying lifeless.

"Care." I gasped, I didn't mean to back away scared but I did. "Madison!" I heard a rushed voice.

Damon pushed me behind him and went up to her "I killed him." She sobbed "He's dead, I killed him...what's wrong with me." She cried.

I felt bad, caroline didn't deserve this "Hey, I can help you." Dames soother her, well I thought he was.

"You can?" Care asked "Yeah, I have to." He grabbed her arm, he had that voice that said he was up to something.

"What're you gonna do?" Care asked, Max whined and laid on the ground covering his eyes with his paws.

"The only thing I can do...I'm gonna kill you." He had a stake in his hand "What! Dad no!" I peeked up.

"No, I don't want to die!" She stood up "But you're already dead." He said I shook my head "Damon, Please." I begged and he ignored me.

I sighed and ran, I need to find stefan or Elena "Stefan, Stefan! It's Damon he's gonna kill Caroline!" I exclaimed.

"Madison, go, go find Jeremy." Elena yelled and ran off with Stefan, should I listen to her. do I ever's the right....oh shut up!

"Go, he needs help." Raven flew up "Who?" I asked "Damon, your friend Bonnie she's hurting him." She said.

I sighed and took off back to where they were

Damon was on the ground, yelling in pain holding his head. Fire started to come up.

"No! BONNIE STOP!" I yelled, Max was barking at her. I focused on the fire, wanting it to disappear.

The fire went out and Elena stepped over to Bonnie. I ran over to Damon hugging him "Did you do that?" He asked.

"I-I-I think so." I stuttered, he pulled me to him running his hands through my hair.

"Think Max is willing to hand over a little blood." He joked and Max growled "I don't think so." I laughed.

I stood up, getting out his arms "Come on, you need to get home." I said he groaned and got up.
I was waiting in the car for Damon to get back, he went to get some blood back in him.

"Hey, kid come on." He whispered coming up to my window, Max was knocked out in the backseat.

I got out and grabbed his hand "Where are we going?" I asked and he looked down.

"Well seeing as I may have dissed you all day and you just saved my life, I figured I owed you one." He said.

"So we can do whatever you want, only until 3 can't have Jenna knowing." He said and I smiled.

We had the entire carnival to ourselves, which meant we had all the food too.

"I had fun tonight." I said when he ticked me in bed "I'm sure you did, you stayed up way past your bedtime." He tickled me and I laughed.

I stopped laughing and he smiled down at me "You know, what Katherine wasn't true." I said he lost the smile on his face.

"Well that doesn't really matter does it." He said "I guess, but I know she cares Damon, and I bet if she walked through that door right now she'd be more than happy to see you." I smiled.

He sighed and gave me my teddy bear "Well I guess we'll never know." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Night, Maddy." He said "Night." I whispered and drifted off to sleep.

"Sleep well, little one." I heard a voice in my head.

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