Chapter 72

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I ran around the backyard with the animals having fun in the garden.

The flowers started growing extremely fast and soon flowers crowded the entire backyard.

A tree branch grew and nudged me a bit and I fell onto Baba, he's a cub, a baby bear, he's very fluffy. I giggled as he helped balance me back up.

I smiled and ran over to the tree sitting under the shade, grabbing my sketchbook and pencil, that was down in the ground under the tree.

I looked up at Rosco, a raccoon who was climbing the tree across from me and smiled, and started moving my pencil.

While I was fixing it up erasing stray marks my drawing was taken from my hands and was put into the feet of two bluebirds.

"Ooh! She's drawing again! She's drawing!" They chirped and everyone crowded around "Hey! Look! It's me!" Rosco cheered spinning in circles

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"Ooh! She's drawing again! She's drawing!" They chirped and everyone crowded around "Hey! Look! It's me!" Rosco cheered spinning in circles.

"Hey, give it back." I stood up and the back door opened showing a tall figure, I smiled and ran towards him.

"Daddy!" I wrapped my arms around his waist immediately pulling away once my body came in touch with him, "You're not my daddy."

I stumbled back scared now. The moment I touched him I got a strong dark feeling and the name "Silas" kept playing over and over in my head.

"What are you talking about, kid? It's me." He faked with a fake smile and I shook my head.

"No, it's not! Uncl—" He cut me off by grabbing me and slamming his hand over my mouth to silence me. I kicked around trying to get away from him only getting free when vines came from the ground, wrapping around his ankles, and pulling down.

"Go!" A high-pitch voice yelled and I ran catching a glimpse of all the animals scattering away from the house going back to the woods.

I ran inside immediately wrapping my arms around my uncle's legs, who was in the kitchen cooking. I hadn't spoken to him since the other night, but I was scared out of my mind at the moment.

"Woah. Slow down, love." He moved away from the stove and I held on tighter to his leg, "I want my daddy," I mumbled scared.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He bent down cupping my face "H-he tried t-to t-t-ake me." I fumbled over my words shaking.

"Who?" He asked going into his murderous psychopathic mode. "Silas."

He pulled away from me and sped out into the garden coming back 5 seconds later, "He's gone, come here." He wrapped his arms around me.

I laid my head onto his chest holding onto him for dear life. "You're safe, I promise." He whispered.


Uncle Nik placed me down and I ran through the house looking for my father.

While looking I ran initially Stefan and Amelia "Mommy!" I ran to her still shaken up about the Silas thing even after Uncle Nik assured me that I was gonna be fine, and he wouldn't lay a hand on me.

I was so happy to be in familiar arms I didn't realize I called Amelia mom for the first time. "I want daddy."

"He's not here, kid." Stefan spoke up and I pulled away from Amelia, "Uh—Yeah, he's in New York." She told me.

I wiggled out of her arms going to the next best thing since my dad wasn't here. "Maxy!" I called for my dog finding him barking at Dora on the TV.

He turned sticking his tongue out wagging his tail. I smiled and dropped next to him wrapping my arms around my fluffy dog. He wasn't a baby anymore, he was bigger now and even fluffier than when I got him.

"Hey, Mads." I saw Care with a trash bag picking up red cups taking a sip from one. "What are you doing here?" She looked behind me.

My uncle was standing there with his arms crossed "Not important anymore. Melli! Stefan!" He called being extra considering they were right in front of us.

"Right here, brother."

"Right. We need to talk." He looked at me and I leaned down into Max trying to forget everything.

Why couldn't my dad be here the moment I wanted him the most?


I clung to Uncle Nik's leg as we walked through the woods a phone to my ear.

"I'll be home soon, Baby, I promise." My dad said over the phone "K," "Alright give the phone back to Stefan."

I wasn't leaving Uncle Nik's side, so I just held out the phone to him which he took with a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah I know...I know Damon...I said I got it...whatever just hurry up." He hung up placing his phone back into his back pocket.

"We should split up Caroline you can come with me and Amelia, Klaus, and Mads can go that way." Stefan looked at the map.

"Uh—No. I'll go with him." Caroline looked at Nik "Fine by me, love." He smirked and Amelia nodded "Call if you run into anything." Amelia walked over to Stefan.

Uncle Nik picked me up and I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked in the opposite direction of Stefan and Amelia.

"Cheer up, Pup, you're with Uncle Klaus." He tickled me and I smiled a bit, I've been clinging to him since we left his house.

What if that evil Silas guy comes after me again? Why did he try to take me? Is he gonna come back?

"Is he gonna come back?" I whispered and he sighed "Not if I have anything to say about it. Now come on where's that smile?" He tilted his head bopping my nose.

I giggled and his face lit up, "See, now come on, let's go kill a bad guy." He placed me on his shoulders and I pressed my hands on his head so I didn't fall.

"Klaus!" Caroline exclaimed and he chuckled "Relax, love, I'm joking." He smiled "Right, Pup?"

I nodded and looked at Caroline "I hope it's not anything like you were doing to Hayley." I said and he stopped moving.

"What does that mean?" Caroline asked and I felt like throwing up thinking about it "Nothing." He shook his head.

"I thought she was dying so I went to find Uncle Nik and found him naked trying to kill her, that is not how you play games,"

Caroline's eyes widened and she looked at my uncle who was avoiding looking at her "Damon is gonna flip, Klaus!" She laughed a bit.

"Let's just find him and go." He sped up his walking and I laid my head on top of his "Uncle Nik?"

"Little Wolf?"

"I love you." I leaned over, playing with his necklace, to see him smiling a bit.

"I love you too, Sweetheart,"

A/N Because I feel guilty for not updating last week in giving at least 3 chapters this week either 3 or 4.

Hope you enjoyed love, you guys.

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