• Part 10 •

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We all had a good night drinking, laughing and talking about the upcoming shows. Anthony and I cuddled in his bunk but the next morning I got up to go back on to pearl jams bus.
"Where are you going" he asked me in his sleepy voice.
"We're heading out soon so I'm gonna go back on the other bus" I said knowing it would upset him.
"Why though I thought we where okay? What about last night we had fun" he was clearly getting more annoyed.
"I just think spending a bit of time apart was good, just for today until we get until New York tonight then I'm all yours." He was clearly annoyed after I said this as he just kissed my cheek and turned back around to sleep. I got off the bus and knocked on the other one.
"Didn't think you'd be back here kiddo" Mike answered letting me in.
"I'm just gonna stay till we get to New York, time apart was good for us" I huffed as threw myself into my bunk. I was exhausted and definitely needed more sleep.
We got to New York and checked into the hotel we were staying at for the next couple of days. I was sharing a room with Anthony which I was so excited about, the 2 days we spent apart on the buses gave us time to realise we needed each other. We got into the elevator with Eddie, Stone, John and Flea. Anthony seemed pissed off with Eddie but I couldn't understand why. As we got to our room he flung me over his shoulder and threw me on the bed.
"I want you now" he said while placing himself on top of me.
"Then take me" I just wanted his hands all over my body. He took his T-shirt off and started taking mine off. I got up and pushed him on the bed removing my pants and then his. I straddled him in nothing but my underwear while kissing him passionately. He kissed my neck working his hands down to my bra strap un-clipping it. I wanted him to take me now, he pulled down his boxes revealing his hard on.
"Are you gonna fuck me or what" I said while grilling his dick with my hand.
He flung me over and placed himself in between my legs removing my panties he thrusted himself into me. I moaned as soon as I felt him enter me, we got more passionate. We reached our climax together and sat in bed just looking into each other's eyes. I had never felt more in love.
Later on we all decided to go to a bar. All of the Chilis, all of Pearl jam and half of smashing pumpkins. This bar was packed and that's when I noticed the poster.
"Omg there here Anthony look" I screamed in excitement, my dancing girls where here.
"Go and find them we'll be sat over there" he kissed my cheek and off I went backstage to find my girls.
"Faye omg your here" I heard a familiar scream as I turned around and saw my girls.
"I saw the poster and had to come and find you, I'm on tour with my boyfriend and his band" I was so excited to see them.
"Since your here you have to perform with us, same routine and we still have your outfit" they all looked at me waiting for me to say yes.
"Of course I will yeah! Let me go and get changed" I ran to the dressing room and put my sexy outfit on. I thought I'd go and see the guys once I was changed to let them know I was performing with the girls.
As I walked towards the table all there heads turned and they all whistled.
"Damn girl guessing your going on" Chad said looking me up and down. I smacked him jokingly.
"Yeah they've asked me to go on, where Anthony?" As I looked around the table I couldn't see him and Eddie's face turned sour. I turned to the bar and saw him standing there with a girl all over him and he looked like he was enjoying it. I was so angry but I didn't want to overreact so I walked off and went to perform. As we got on stage I felt all there eyes on me, Anthony's weren't on me though. I danced and sang and couldn't wait till we had to go on the bar so I could walk right in front of him. The time came to walk through the crowd so as I did blew a kiss and winked to all the guys and they were all whistling. I heard Flea shout "that's our girl" as me and the girls got onto the bar. I was walking down the bar and I 'accidentally' knocked his drink off the bar.
"What the fu..." he angrily said when he looked up noticing it was me.
"Tell your friend I said hi" i said sarcastically walking further down the bar carrying on with our routine.
He knew he was in the wrong but he was still at the bar with the women. He just stood there and drank his drink. I looked over at our table and Eddie looked so angry. I thought he was going to flip.
We finished the routine and I went backstage so angry I got changed and made my way to the table to all the guys cheering and clapping. I could feel myself blushing as I got myself a drink and sat down i between John and Eddie. Anthony was still at the bar with the girl, clearly not phased by me he was flirting with her staring her up and down. Now I knew I was done, how could he do this right in front of me?
"Hey are you okay? I'll knock him out if you want" Eddie said putting his arm around me.
"No it's okay I might get to him first, I want to enjoy my night. He's not ruining my mood." I said taking a drink of my beer. As the night went on I decided to stir the pot and walked myself over to Anthony and his little friend. I stood right next to him and he turned around looking at me wide eyed. He clearly didn't expect me to go up to them.
"You not gonna buy me a drink, I am your girlfriend after all." I said smirking at him.
"Erm... yeah... I was just..." he was clearly rattled but didn't seem bothered at the same time.
"Save it you asshole." I got myself a drink and walked back to the table.
"Come on we're dancing" I grabbed Eddie's hand and pulled him on the dance floor. Our bodies moved to the music and he pulled me close. I could tell Anthony was annoyed but I didn't care he was stood there drooling over some bitch with fake boobs. I didn't care what he had to say to me. Eddie turned me around and pulled me close whispering in my ear.
"Wanna really piss him off" he said as I looked at him confused he grabbed my face kissing me passionately. As I heard Anthony storm from the bar to were we where standing, Chad quickly got up ready to stop whatever was about to happen. Anthony walked up to Eddie and punched him right in the face, getting on top of him holding his shirt punching him some more.
"Get the fuck off him what are you doing" I shouted trying to pull Anthony off Eddie.
Chad eventually separated them and as I looked at Anthony bust lip from were Eddie fought back I could feel tears rolling down my face. He came running up to me trying to comfort me but I was done, I'd had enough. We weren't gonna go back to normal and it was something I just had to admit.
"I'm done Anthony, we're done." As I walked out of the bar crying I could hear John running after me shouting my name.
"Faye stop where are you going."

"Home John, back to LA. I can't do this anymore." As I sat on the sidewalk crying my eyes out I felt him lift me up.

"Your not leaving just because you and Anthony are done doesn't mean you can leave me, or Chad or Flea. We need you to." John said walking me back to the hotel. I wanted to go home, I didn't want to be around him but I knew I couldn't let the rest of them down.
"I'll just go and sleep in my room he's not here so it doesn't matter" I said walking down the hall.
"Okay well I'll see you at rehearsals in the morning" John kissed my cheek and carried on walking to his room. I don't know how or why but Anthony had beat us back to the hotel and was sat on the bed in the dark.
"Sorry I didn't know you were here I'll just go" I said turning around.
"No don't go we need to talk" he shot up grabbing my hand.
"There's nothing to talk about Anthony, I can't carry on like this. I wanted us to enjoy tonight but all you wanted to do was get into that girls pants." I pulled my hand away as he got angry.
"You kissed Eddie tho, how's that different"
"No, Eddie kissed me that's the difference! I'm not arguing with you about this I'll go and stay in Johns room." I tried to walk off but he turned me round and cupped my face with his hands.
"So we're done huh?" I could see tears in his eyes.
"We're done" I whispered as a tear slid down my face. I was expecting him to be angry, I was expecting him to flip and storm off but instead he kissed me. I didn't want to but I melted into him, I kissed him back getting more heated. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We spent the night making love and fell asleep not letting go of each other. I knew it was wrong, we've just broken up but I felt safe in his arms.

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