• Part 26 •

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"Anthony take it easy or I swear to god" John stood in front of Anthony as my whole world was collapsing around me.

"No I want her to tell me when she was going to tell me." he pointed at me, an anger I'd never seen in him building up.

"Tomorrow.." I whispered hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"Tomorrow? Okay so tomorrow you where going to tell me when you should of told me when you found out!" He was shouting now.

"Hold up, I wasn't the one who ruined our relationship and I didn't feel comfortable telling you while you where on your probably having sex with fuck knows who whenever you liked. You seemed happier without me so I thought me and my little girl would be better off alone!" I was now shouting too, John ran up holding my face begging me to calm down.

"We're having a girl?" Anthony's face went soft as his body stopped tensing.

"Yeah, we're having a girl" my tears went from angry to emotional as Anthony got closer to me. Holding his hand out to my belly.

"Can I?" He seemed hesitant.

"Of course." I moved closer to him directing him to where she kicks.

My heart suddenly felt fixed, my eyes crying happy tears and not tears of sorrow. This is my family, this is who I want to be with. Before I could say anything Anthony scooped me up in his arms and held me tight.

"I'm so sorry" he was sobbing into my shoulder.

"Hey it's okay, I'm sorry too. I should have told you" I was now a sobbing mess.

"I understand why you didn't but I'm glad I know now. We're gonna be parents baby." He held my face and my heart fluttered.

I couldn't help myself as I leaned in and kissed his lips. It felt like home. I knew it would take time for us to go back to how we where but I was willing to work on it. I know he is too.

"I'm not saying we can jump straight back in to 'you and me' but I'm saying I'm ready to work on it and try. I love you Anthony and I'm carrying your baby. I want us to be a family but I need to trust you. If that's what you want" I pulled away, hoping I'd get the response I wanted.

"Of course that's what I want. I want nothing more than you, me and our daughter to be a family. I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that your all I need and want. Let's try this again?" He pulled me close to him again.

"Is this you way of asking me on a date? Because I gotta say it sucks" I tried to lift the mood, gaining a laugh out of him.

"Faye Johnstone, will you go on a date with me?" He smiled that gorgeous smile that made me weak in the knees.

"Yes Anthony Kiedis, I will" I kissed him softly as he guys all cheered behind us.

"About time!!" John shouted as he engulfed me into a hug "I'm so fucking proud of you, you know that right?"

"I do, now I have to get ready as I have a gig." I smiled at them all as Anthony clung onto my arm.

"Yeah I gotta go and call Lindy and let him know we're gonna have to postpone the tour for a couple of months. I'm gonna be a daddy!" He pulled me tighter.

"No, I had another idea. You still do your tour and I stay in Michigan with your mom and sisters. I'm due right before the holidays so you'll finish the tour around then too."

"You've really got this all figured out huh" he kissed me cheek.

"Well like I said I was going to tell you tomorrow." I laughed as he pulled me in for another gentle kiss.

"Okay well I'll go and ring my mom and book you a flight. I'll see you after the show" he kissed me once more and away he went with flea.

"Faye, are you okay?" John could tell I was in my own head.

"Yeah I mean I think so. I didn't want him to find out like that even though it went okay. I just don't want to mess this up again because there's a bay involved now. We have to grow up." I promised myself I wouldn't tear up again.

"I know, but I promise you right now that this little girl is the luckiest girl in the world to have you and Anthony as parents." John placed a hand on my stomach as Chad put his arm around my shoulders.

"Your right, we got this" I fist bumped my belly like I always do. I can't wait to meet my baby.

I left the guys and went to the backstage area to get ready. I played my show and the crowd was amazing. People had taken notice that the Chilis were there as there was paparazzi outside waiting. The thought of that made me feel sick.

"Are you sure you want to go out there?" Anthony gripped my hand tightly.

"Yes, as long as you stay with me"

"Of course I will"

We walked out of the theatre hand in hand, confirming to the world that we where dating again and having a baby. God I'm glad it's over.
Anthony decided to stay at my apartment tonight to help me back mine and baby's stuff to take to his house and his moms house. We decided that after baby was born in Michigan that I'd move in with Anthony in LA, it only made sense. Fred wasn't as happy though.

"Fred come on, your still gonna see me all the time."

"I know but it's not going to be the same." We where both on the verge of tears until Anthony chimes in.

"You can have your own room at ours for when you stay which you can whenever you want" Me and Fred bath looked at him funny.

"Seriously?" Fred spoke, shocked.

"Well yeah, we have enough space and I'll be away at the end of February for 2 months for the end of the tour so she'll need you. It'll be fun" Anthony was quickly pulled into a hug off Fred as I just smiled at the two.

"Thank you so much." Fred's tears had fell now and I wasn't too far behind him.

We spend the rest of the night packing and talking about the baby. I'd told him my name I wanted and he loved it so it was a no brainer.

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